Elinor Wonders Why

Elinor Wonders Why encourages children to follow their curiosity, ask questions when they don't understand and find answers using science inquiry skills. The main character Elinor, the most observant and curious bunny rabbit in Animal Town, will introduce children ages 3-5 to science, nature and community through adventures with her friends.

Sun, Mar 30 1:00 P.M. Butterfly Party/More Than One Right Way     NH Kids (11.5)

Butterfly Party - It's Olive's mom's birthday, and Olive wants to organize something really special for her: a garden party with REAL butterflies.

Mon, Mar 31 12:00 P.M. Junior Ranger Elinor/Big Brother     NHPBS (11.1)

Junior Ranger Elinor and Ranger Rabbit's favorite spot in the forest is ruined by a fire.

Mon, Mar 31 1:00 P.M. To Bee Or Not to Bee/Turtle Crossing     NH Kids (11.5)

To Bee or Not to Bee - Elinor, Ari, Olive and Koa are having a picnic in the forest, when all of a sudden, a few honey bees come over to check out the kids' food.

Tue, Apr 1 12:00 P.M. Big Trees/Baby Steps     NHPBS (11.1)

Big Trees - Ari's attempts to make the world's tallest toy block tower keep falling over, so he tries to get some inspiration from a special field trip to the forest to see the world's tallest trees.

Tue, Apr 1 1:00 P.M. The Violin Lesson/Flying High     NH Kids (11.5)

Olive gets inspired to play her violin after observing why crickets chirp.

Wed, Apr 2 12:00 P.M. Echo Location/Ears to You     NHPBS (11.1)

Echo Location - On a camping trip, the kids discover that Ari is really good at playing Marco Polo.

Thu, Apr 3 1:00 P.M. A Change of Art/The Litterbug     NH Kids (11.5)

A Change of Art - Elinor and her class are painting outdoors with the town's enthusiastic art teacher, Mr.

Fri, Apr 4 12:00 P.M. Olive's Library/Nature Walk     NHPBS (11.1)

Olive's Library - It's Olive's birthday party and everyone has given her a book as a present, which makes Olive very happy.

Fri, Apr 4 1:00 P.M. The Unsinkable Lynx/Rocky The Rock     NH Kids (11.5)

The Unsinkable Lynx - It's a very snowy day and Elinor, Ari and Olive meet a new friend, Gael the lynx, who has just moved to Animal Town.

Sun, Apr 6 1:00 P.M. The Violin Lesson/Flying High     NH Kids (11.5)

Olive gets inspired to play her violin after observing why crickets chirp.

Mon, Apr 7 12:00 P.M. A Change of Art/The Litterbug     NHPBS (11.1)

A Change of Art - Elinor and her class are painting outdoors with the town's enthusiastic art teacher, Mr.

Mon, Apr 7 1:00 P.M. Just Mist/Crayon Quest     NH Kids (11.5)

The kids take a field trip to a cloud forest and learn that clouds have water in them.

Tue, Apr 8 1:00 P.M. Echo Location/Ears to You     NH Kids (11.5)

Echo Location - On a camping trip, the kids discover that Ari is really good at playing Marco Polo.

Wed, Apr 9 12:00 P.M. Butterfly Party/More Than One Right Way     NHPBS (11.1)

Butterfly Party - It's Olive's mom's birthday, and Olive wants to organize something really special for her: a garden party with REAL butterflies.

Wed, Apr 9 1:00 P.M. Underground Soup/Dandy Dandelions     NH Kids (11.5)

Ari and Olive visit Elinor, hoping she'll come out and play, but Elinor has hurt her foot and has to stay in bed for the afternoon.

Thu, Apr 10 12:00 P.M. Tasty Rainbow/Olive Gets The Big Picture     NHPBS (11.1)

The kids are inspired by different colored foods. / The kids join a wildlife photographer and learn how to snap the perfect picture of a puffin.

Thu, Apr 10 1:00 P.M. Elinor's Nest/Foody Fuel     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor and her friends get inspired by birds to make their perfect nest.

Fri, Apr 11 12:00 P.M. The Little Drummer/Rest Is Best     NHPBS (11.1)

Ari is showing off his new drum moves to Elinor and Olive when Ari's mother asks him to be quieter so Ari's sister can take a nap.

Fri, Apr 11 1:00 P.M. Spice Is Nice/Aris Muscles     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor and her friends learn what makes Olive's mom's curry so spicy.

Sat, Apr 12 1:00 P.M. Just Mist/Crayon Quest     NH Kids (11.5)

The kids take a field trip to a cloud forest and learn that clouds have water in them.

Sun, Apr 13 1:00 P.M. Elinor's Nest/Foody Fuel     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor and her friends get inspired by birds to make their perfect nest.

Mon, Apr 14 12:00 P.M. The Science of Staying Warm/The Seed of An Idea     NHPBS (11.1)

The Science of Staying Warm - It's a wintery Saturday morning and Elinor, Olive and Ari are getting ready to go out and play in the snow with other kids, but Olive wonders why she has to wear so many winter clothes.

Tue, Apr 15 1:00 P.M. Butterfly Party/More Than One Right Way     NH Kids (11.5)

Butterfly Party - It's Olive's mom's birthday, and Olive wants to organize something really special for her: a garden party with REAL butterflies.

Wed, Apr 16 12:00 P.M. Frozen Fish/Pirate Treasure     NHPBS (11.1)

Frozen Fish - After the lake freezes over, Elinor and her friends wonder what happens to all of their fishy friends during the wintertime.

Wed, Apr 16 1:00 P.M. Teacher's Day/The Nose Knows     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor and her friends must sneak past Mz. Mole to surprise her for Teacher's Day.

Thu, Apr 17 12:00 P.M. Hiding In Plain Sight/Owl Girl     NHPBS (11.1)

Hiding in Plain Sight - Elinor and her friends are playing Hide-And-Go-Seek at recess, but no matter where they hide, the Goat twins always seem to find them.

Thu, Apr 17 1:00 P.M. Clean Captain/The Moment of Tooth     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor is the new Clean Captain at school and takes things too far.

Fri, Apr 18 12:00 P.M. The Town Picnic/The Amazing Expandable Clubhouse     NHPBS (11.1)

The Town Picnic - It's time for the Animal Town picnic, but Ari is growing impatient waiting for Ms.

Fri, Apr 18 1:00 P.M. Olive's Library/Nature Walk     NH Kids (11.5)

Olive's Library - It's Olive's birthday party and everyone has given her a book as a present, which makes Olive very happy.

Sat, Apr 19 1:00 P.M. Teacher's Day/The Nose Knows     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor and her friends must sneak past Mz. Mole to surprise her for Teacher's Day.

Mon, Apr 21 12:00 P.M. Adventure In Moose Mountain     NHPBS (11.1)

After Ari's plushie is taken by an eagle, the kids travel to Moose Mountain with Dr.

Mon, Apr 21 1:00 P.M. Adventure In Moose Mountain     NH Kids (11.5)

After Ari's plushie is taken by an eagle, the kids travel to Moose Mountain with Dr.

Tue, Apr 22 12:00 P.M. Circus Tricks/Stuck in the Mud     NHPBS (11.1)

After Elinor breaks her arm, she learns about the importance of bones.

Tue, Apr 22 1:00 P.M. Circus Tricks/Stuck in the Mud     NH Kids (11.5)

After Elinor breaks her arm, she learns about the importance of bones.

Wed, Apr 23 12:00 P.M. Don't Rain On My Parade/Olive Hiccups It Up     NHPBS (11.1)

The kids try to determine what the weather will be like during Animal Town's parade.

Wed, Apr 23 1:00 P.M. Don't Rain On My Parade/Olive Hiccups It Up     NH Kids (11.5)

The kids try to determine what the weather will be like during Animal Town's parade.

Thu, Apr 24 12:00 P.M. Blackout/Tree That Eats Toys     NHPBS (11.1)

Elinor notices her house looks different in the dark.

Thu, Apr 24 1:00 P.M. Blackout/Tree That Eats Toys     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor notices her house looks different in the dark.

Fri, Apr 25 1:00 P.M. Burrowing Owl Girl/Olive's Tree     NH Kids (11.5)

Burrowing Owl Girl - Elinor is very excited, because she's visiting her grandparents in the desert.

Sat, Apr 26 1:00 P.M. Don't Rain On My Parade/Olive Hiccups It Up     NH Kids (11.5)

The kids try to determine what the weather will be like during Animal Town's parade.

Sun, Apr 27 1:00 P.M. Burrowing Owl Girl/Olive's Tree     NH Kids (11.5)

Burrowing Owl Girl - Elinor is very excited, because she's visiting her grandparents in the desert.

Mon, Apr 28 12:00 P.M. Circus Tricks/Stuck in the Mud     NHPBS (11.1)

After Elinor breaks her arm, she learns about the importance of bones.

Mon, Apr 28 1:00 P.M. Circus Tricks/Stuck in the Mud     NH Kids (11.5)

After Elinor breaks her arm, she learns about the importance of bones.

Tue, Apr 29 12:00 P.M. Don't Rain On My Parade/Olive Hiccups It Up     NHPBS (11.1)

The kids try to determine what the weather will be like during Animal Town's parade.

Tue, Apr 29 1:00 P.M. Adventure In Moose Mountain     NH Kids (11.5)

After Ari's plushie is taken by an eagle, the kids travel to Moose Mountain with Dr.

Wed, Apr 30 12:00 P.M. Adventure In Moose Mountain     NHPBS (11.1)

After Ari's plushie is taken by an eagle, the kids travel to Moose Mountain with Dr.

Wed, Apr 30 1:00 P.M. Blackout/Tree That Eats Toys     NH Kids (11.5)

Elinor notices her house looks different in the dark.

Thu, May 1 1:00 P.M. The Science of Staying Warm/The Seed of An Idea     NH Kids (11.5)

The Science of Staying Warm - It's a wintery Saturday morning and Elinor, Olive and Ari are getting ready to go out and play in the snow with other kids, but Olive wonders why she has to wear so many winter clothes.

Fri, May 2 1:00 P.M. A Moth Mystery/Just Peachy     NH Kids (11.5)

The kids are out summer caroling with Senor Tapir, singing their brand new Sunny Summer Song to Animal Town residents.

Sat, May 3 1:00 P.M. Circus Tricks/Stuck in the Mud     NH Kids (11.5)

After Elinor breaks her arm, she learns about the importance of bones.

Sat, May 3 7:30 P.M. Butterfly Party/More Than One Right Way     NH Kids (11.5)

Butterfly Party - It's Olive's mom's birthday, and Olive wants to organize something really special for her: a garden party with REAL butterflies.

Sun, May 4 3:30 A.M. Butterfly Party/More Than One Right Way     NH Kids (11.5)

Butterfly Party - It's Olive's mom's birthday, and Olive wants to organize something really special for her: a garden party with REAL butterflies.

Elinor Wonders Why By Episode

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