Zig Zag Plant - A mystery is afoot at Elinor's school when one of the class plants grows in an unusual shape. Instead of growing straight up like the other plants, this plant is growing in a zig-zag pattern. Elinor and her friends investigate what could have happened to this plant to make it grow like that. After learning that most plants always grow up towards the sky, the kids piece together the clues and discover that this plant spent some time on its side, and then some time right side up, resulting in the zig-zag pattern! The kids love the shape of this plant, and name it "the Zig Zag Plant." Butterfly Drinks - Insect Day is coming up at school and Elinor couldn't be more thrilled to finish her home-made butterfly costume. However, she quickly runs into a problem, because she can't drink anything when her hands are busy being the wings in her costume! Elinor sets out to solve the problem with her dad by learning how real butterflies drink. After some careful watching, she realizes that a butterfly doesn't even have a mouth, but a proboscis, which looks like a long straw, and that's how they drink nectar from a flower! This gives Elinor the idea to add a super long drinking straw to complete her costume.
Duration: 28 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number: 121
No future air times were found for this episode.
Elinor Wonders Why encourages children to follow their curiosity, ask questions when they don't understand and find answers using science inquiry skills.
The main character Elinor, the most observant and curious bunny rabbit in Animal Town, will introduce children ages 3-5 to science, nature and community through adventures with her friends.
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