The "Classic in the Jurassic" games are back, and this time, it's the Ultimate Smackdown. Mr. Conductor explains the "wrestling" matchups from the three Time Periods are: T. Rex vs. Triceratops, Allosaurus vs. Stegosaurus and Zupaysaurus vs. Riojasaurus (dinos new to the Pteranodon clan.) Fears that competitors may get injured are allayed by the explanation of how the "Smackdown" works -- the best choreographed and most entertaining show wins! Morris Stegosaurus beats Alvin Allosaurus. When Ziggy Zupaysaurus goes up against Renaldo Riojasaurus, Mr. Conductor explains that Riojasaurus may be smaller, but he has a powerful tail and speed on his side. Then Boris the T. Rex loses to Trevor Triceratops. Tank and Buddy are thrilled-what a face-off! Once the judges tally the results, Team Cretaceous is declared the winner, and the fans love it! Buddy and Tiny wonder aloud whether the Triassic was the beginning of time, and if there was anything before the Age of Dinosaurs. So, to the Dinosaur Train they go where Mr. Conductor takes them back to the beginning of the Triassic Period to get some answers. In the Triassic, Buddy, Tiny, Mom and Mr. Conductor meet up with Erma Eoraptor who is happy to explore the "before the Triassic" question with them. Our group walks through a Pedestrian Time Tunnel (that's beyond the end of the train tracks) to get to the Permian Period, the time period immediately before the Triassic. There, they meet Deon Dimetrodon, who has never met a dinosaur or pterosaur before. Buddy and Tiny are amazed to learn that there are neither of these in the Permian Period (or earlier)! Deon marvels at our family's features - especially Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon's wings. Deon shows our group around the hot and humid Permian, and he explains how his sail fin keeps him cool. Then Deon is delighted to experience the Mesozioc Era. He walks through the Pedestrian Time Tunnel with our group, and is blown away by the v
Episode Duration: 28 minutes and 55 seconds
Episode Number: 311
No future air times were found for this episode.
"Dinosaur Train" is an animated series for 3-to-6 year olds.
The series features a curious young T-rex named Buddy who, together with his adopted Pteranodon family, takes the Dinosaur Train to meet, explore, and have adventures with all kinds of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.
Sat, Jan 18 | 6:30 A.M. | Classic in the Jurassic: Air Obstacle Race/King & Crystal Live! NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Jan 19 | 6:30 A.M. | One Big Frog/Caving with Vlad NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Jan 25 | 6:30 A.M. | King Cryolophosaurus/Buddy The Tracker NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Jan 26 | 6:30 A.M. | Classic in the Jurassic - Air, Water and Land/Desert Day and Night NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Feb 1 | 6:30 A.M. | Zeppelin: Waterfalls/Zeppelin: Atoll NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Feb 2 | 6:30 A.M. | Zeppelin: Pangaea/Zeppelin: Crater NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Feb 8 | 6:30 A.M. | Have You Heard About The Herd?/Jess Hesperornis NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Feb 9 | 6:30 A.M. | Love Day/A New Leaf NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Feb 15 | 6:30 A.M. | Love Day/A New Leaf NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Feb 16 | 6:30 A.M. | Triassic Turtle/Tank's Baby Brother NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Feb 23 | 6:30 A.M. | Dinosaur Camouflage/Family Scavenger Hunt NH Kids (11.5) |
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