"Dinosaur Train" is an animated series for 3-to-6 year olds. The series features a curious young T-rex named Buddy who, together with his adopted Pteranodon family, takes the Dinosaur Train to meet, explore, and have adventures with all kinds of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.
Sat, Nov 9 | 6:30 A.M. |
An Apatosaurus Adventure/Nature Art
NH Kids (11.5)
The Pteranodon kids visit the Jurassic Time Period to meet Apollo Apatosaurus, a huge, long-necked, long-tailed dinosaur who likes adventure. |
Sun, Nov 10 | 6:30 A.M. |
Derek The Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly
NH Kids (11.5)
Derek the Deinonychus - Buddy, Tiny and Mom visit a family of Deinonychus, dinosaurs with large, sharp toe-claws. |
Sat, Nov 16 | 6:30 A.M. |
Dinosaur Train Submarine: Maisie Mosasaurus/Date Night
NH Kids (11.5)
The Pteranodon family goes back underwater in the Dinosaur Train Submarine and meet Maisie and Marvin Mosasaurus, a daughter and father who are huge, fast-swimming lizards with flippers. |
Sun, Nov 17 | 6:30 A.M. |
Dinosaur Train Submarine: A Sea Turtle Tale/Rocket Train
NH Kids (11.5)
Our Pteranodon family is on the beach watching small eggs hatch and baby Archelon turtles emerge, and start to swim away. |
Sat, Nov 23 | 6:30 A.M. |
Dome-Headed Dinosaur/Treasure Hunt
NH Kids (11.5)
The Pteranodon kids and their dome-headed friend Spikey Stygimoloch meet a brother and sister, Patrick and Pamela Pachycephalosaurus, two dinosaurs with enormous dome heads. |
Sun, Nov 24 | 6:30 A.M. |
The Egg Stealer?/To The Grandparents' Nest We Go!
NH Kids (11.5)
Buddy and Don stumble upon a mystery when they find unhatched eggs on their beach, The mystery grows when some of the eggs are stolen. |
Sat, Nov 30 | 6:30 A.M. |
Tiny and the Crocodile/Meet The Grandparents
NH Kids (11.5)
Team Pteranodon travels to Dienosuchas Swamp to meet Deanna Dienosuchas, a 40 foot crocodile with many big teeth, and a crabby attitude. |
Sun, Dec 1 | 6:30 A.M. |
The Theropod Club/Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
The Theropod Club - Buddy's Theropod Club meets with other dinosaurs that walk on two legs, eat meat, and have three toed feet. |
Sat, Dec 7 | 6:30 A.M. |
One Small Dinosaur/T. Rex Migration
NH Kids (11.5)
One Small Dinosaur - Mrs. Pteranodon takes Buddy and Tiny to visit a Mikey Microraptor, one of the smallest of dinosaurs ever. |
Sun, Dec 8 | 6:30 A.M. |
The Old Spinosaurus & The Sea/A Spiky Tail Tale
NH Kids (11.5)
The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea - Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in a new place, where they meet a huge, grumpy old dinosaur, called a Spinosaurus, that doesn't want the kids in his Sea. |
Sat, Dec 14 | 6:30 A.M. |
Don's Winter Wish/Festival of Lights
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Pteranodon family travels back to the North Pole, Don declares that it's his "winter wish" to see snow fall again. |
Sun, Dec 15 | 6:30 A.M. |
Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins: Part 1/Part 2
NH Kids (11.5)
When Mr. Pteranodon and Larry go out to the Big Pond to find some red platanoids for the Winter Solstice Celebration, they accidentally miss the last train home. |
Thu, Dec 19 | 6:00 A.M. |
Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins: Part 1/Part 2
NH Kids (11.5)
When Mr. Pteranodon and Larry go out to the Big Pond to find some red platanoids for the Winter Solstice Celebration, they accidentally miss the last train home. |
Thu, Dec 19 | 6:30 A.M. |
Dinosaurs in the Snow/Cretaceous Conifers
NH Kids (11.5)
Dinosaurs in the Snow - Buddy and his Pteranodon family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole - where it's cooler out and the skies are dark all winter long! |
Thu, Dec 19 | 7:00 A.M. |
Don's Winter Wish/Festival of Lights
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Pteranodon family travels back to the North Pole, Don declares that it's his "winter wish" to see snow fall again. |
WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham
WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg