Dinosaur Train

"Dinosaur Train" is an animated series for 3-to-6 year olds. The series features a curious young T-rex named Buddy who, together with his adopted Pteranodon family, takes the Dinosaur Train to meet, explore, and have adventures with all kinds of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.

Sat, Nov 9 6:30 A.M. An Apatosaurus Adventure/Nature Art     NH Kids (11.5)

The Pteranodon kids visit the Jurassic Time Period to meet Apollo Apatosaurus, a huge, long-necked, long-tailed dinosaur who likes adventure.

Sun, Nov 10 6:30 A.M. Derek The Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly     NH Kids (11.5)

Derek the Deinonychus - Buddy, Tiny and Mom visit a family of Deinonychus, dinosaurs with large, sharp toe-claws.

Sat, Nov 16 6:30 A.M. Dinosaur Train Submarine: Maisie Mosasaurus/Date Night     NH Kids (11.5)

The Pteranodon family goes back underwater in the Dinosaur Train Submarine and meet Maisie and Marvin Mosasaurus, a daughter and father who are huge, fast-swimming lizards with flippers.

Sun, Nov 17 6:30 A.M. Dinosaur Train Submarine: A Sea Turtle Tale/Rocket Train     NH Kids (11.5)

Our Pteranodon family is on the beach watching small eggs hatch and baby Archelon turtles emerge, and start to swim away.

Sat, Nov 23 6:30 A.M. Dome-Headed Dinosaur/Treasure Hunt     NH Kids (11.5)

The Pteranodon kids and their dome-headed friend Spikey Stygimoloch meet a brother and sister, Patrick and Pamela Pachycephalosaurus, two dinosaurs with enormous dome heads.

Sun, Nov 24 6:30 A.M. The Egg Stealer?/To The Grandparents' Nest We Go!     NH Kids (11.5)

Buddy and Don stumble upon a mystery when they find unhatched eggs on their beach, The mystery grows when some of the eggs are stolen.

Sat, Nov 30 6:30 A.M. Tiny and the Crocodile/Meet The Grandparents     NH Kids (11.5)

Team Pteranodon travels to Dienosuchas Swamp to meet Deanna Dienosuchas, a 40 foot crocodile with many big teeth, and a crabby attitude.

Sun, Dec 1 6:30 A.M. The Theropod Club/Surprise Party     NH Kids (11.5)

The Theropod Club - Buddy's Theropod Club meets with other dinosaurs that walk on two legs, eat meat, and have three toed feet.

Sat, Dec 7 6:30 A.M. One Small Dinosaur/T. Rex Migration     NH Kids (11.5)

One Small Dinosaur - Mrs. Pteranodon takes Buddy and Tiny to visit a Mikey Microraptor, one of the smallest of dinosaurs ever.

Sun, Dec 8 6:30 A.M. The Old Spinosaurus & The Sea/A Spiky Tail Tale     NH Kids (11.5)

The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea - Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in a new place, where they meet a huge, grumpy old dinosaur, called a Spinosaurus, that doesn't want the kids in his Sea.

Sat, Dec 14 6:30 A.M. Don's Winter Wish/Festival of Lights     NH Kids (11.5)

When the Pteranodon family travels back to the North Pole, Don declares that it's his "winter wish" to see snow fall again.

Sun, Dec 15 6:30 A.M. Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins: Part 1/Part 2     NH Kids (11.5)

When Mr. Pteranodon and Larry go out to the Big Pond to find some red platanoids for the Winter Solstice Celebration, they accidentally miss the last train home.

Thu, Dec 19 6:00 A.M. Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins: Part 1/Part 2     NH Kids (11.5)

When Mr. Pteranodon and Larry go out to the Big Pond to find some red platanoids for the Winter Solstice Celebration, they accidentally miss the last train home.

Thu, Dec 19 6:30 A.M. Dinosaurs in the Snow/Cretaceous Conifers     NH Kids (11.5)

Dinosaurs in the Snow - Buddy and his Pteranodon family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole - where it's cooler out and the skies are dark all winter long!

Thu, Dec 19 7:00 A.M. Don's Winter Wish/Festival of Lights     NH Kids (11.5)

When the Pteranodon family travels back to the North Pole, Don declares that it's his "winter wish" to see snow fall again.

Dinosaur Train By Episode

NHPBS Over-the-Air Broadcast

WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham

WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton

WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene

W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover

W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg

Cable and Satellite Channels

NHPBS Five Channels

NHPBS - 11.1

NH Explore - 11.2

NH World - 11.3

NH Create - 11.4

NH Kids - 11.5

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