"Lyla in the Loop" is an animated series starring Lyla, a dynamic 7-year-old Black girl, her close-knit family, fantastical blue sidekick Stu, and a host of relatable and quirky characters living in her community, who together spotlight creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills while working collaboratively with others.
Mon, Sep 16 | 4:00 P.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Mon, Sep 16 | 7:00 P.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Tue, Sep 17 | 12:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Tue, Sep 17 | 3:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Tue, Sep 17 | 8:00 A.M. |
The Mystery Puzzle/The Stu Express
NHPBS (11.1)
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. |
Tue, Sep 17 | 4:00 P.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Tue, Sep 17 | 7:00 P.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Wed, Sep 18 | 12:00 A.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Wed, Sep 18 | 3:00 A.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Wed, Sep 18 | 8:00 A.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Wed, Sep 18 | 4:00 P.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Wed, Sep 18 | 7:00 P.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Thu, Sep 19 | 12:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Thu, Sep 19 | 3:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Thu, Sep 19 | 8:00 A.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Thu, Sep 19 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Thu, Sep 19 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Fri, Sep 20 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Fri, Sep 20 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Fri, Sep 20 | 8:00 A.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Fri, Sep 20 | 4:00 P.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Fri, Sep 20 | 7:00 P.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Sep 21 | 12:00 A.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Sep 21 | 3:00 A.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Sep 21 | 4:00 P.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Sun, Sep 22 | 12:00 A.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
Sun, Sep 22 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Mon, Sep 23 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Mon, Sep 23 | 8:00 A.M. |
The Waffle Man/Loopa-Palooza
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Everett design a waffle costume for Stu, but they'll need to change it to withstand the elements like wind and pigeons! |
Mon, Sep 23 | 4:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Mon, Sep 23 | 7:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Tue, Sep 24 | 12:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Tue, Sep 24 | 3:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Tue, Sep 24 | 8:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Tue, Sep 24 | 4:00 P.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Tue, Sep 24 | 7:00 P.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Wed, Sep 25 | 12:00 A.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Wed, Sep 25 | 3:00 A.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Wed, Sep 25 | 8:00 A.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Wed, Sep 25 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Wed, Sep 25 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Thu, Sep 26 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Thu, Sep 26 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Thu, Sep 26 | 8:00 A.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Thu, Sep 26 | 4:00 P.M. |
Sanitation Situation/Stu Rides The Bus
NH Kids (11.5)
When the neighborhood garbage truck malfunctions, Lyla and Stu step in to save the day. |
Thu, Sep 26 | 7:00 P.M. |
Sanitation Situation/Stu Rides The Bus
NH Kids (11.5)
When the neighborhood garbage truck malfunctions, Lyla and Stu step in to save the day. |
Fri, Sep 27 | 12:00 A.M. |
Sanitation Situation/Stu Rides The Bus
NH Kids (11.5)
When the neighborhood garbage truck malfunctions, Lyla and Stu step in to save the day. |
Fri, Sep 27 | 3:00 A.M. |
Sanitation Situation/Stu Rides The Bus
NH Kids (11.5)
When the neighborhood garbage truck malfunctions, Lyla and Stu step in to save the day. |
Fri, Sep 27 | 8:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Fri, Sep 27 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. |
Fri, Sep 27 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. |
Sat, Sep 28 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. |
Sat, Sep 28 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. |
Sat, Sep 28 | 4:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Sun, Sep 29 | 12:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Sun, Sep 29 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Mon, Sep 30 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Mon, Sep 30 | 8:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Mon, Sep 30 | 4:00 P.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Mon, Sep 30 | 7:00 P.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Tue, Oct 1 | 12:00 A.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Tue, Oct 1 | 3:00 A.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Tue, Oct 1 | 8:00 A.M. |
Moon Rock Cove/Rainbow Collection
NHPBS (11.1)
Liana and Louisa compete to see who's the outdoorsiest twin, but sour the family camping trip in the process. |
Tue, Oct 1 | 4:00 P.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Tue, Oct 1 | 7:00 P.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Wed, Oct 2 | 12:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Wed, Oct 2 | 3:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Wed, Oct 2 | 8:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NHPBS (11.1)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Wed, Oct 2 | 4:00 P.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Wed, Oct 2 | 7:00 P.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Thu, Oct 3 | 12:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Thu, Oct 3 | 3:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Thu, Oct 3 | 8:00 A.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Thu, Oct 3 | 4:00 P.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Thu, Oct 3 | 7:00 P.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Fri, Oct 4 | 12:00 A.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Fri, Oct 4 | 3:00 A.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Fri, Oct 4 | 8:00 A.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Fri, Oct 4 | 4:00 P.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Fri, Oct 4 | 7:00 P.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Sat, Oct 5 | 12:00 A.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Sat, Oct 5 | 3:00 A.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Sat, Oct 5 | 4:00 P.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Sun, Oct 6 | 12:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Sun, Oct 6 | 4:00 P.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 12:00 A.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NH Kids (11.5)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 8:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NHPBS (11.1)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 4:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 7:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 12:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 3:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 8:00 A.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NHPBS (11.1)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 4:00 P.M. |
Moon Rock Cove/Rainbow Collection
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana and Louisa compete to see who's the outdoorsiest twin, but sour the family camping trip in the process. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 7:00 P.M. |
Moon Rock Cove/Rainbow Collection
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana and Louisa compete to see who's the outdoorsiest twin, but sour the family camping trip in the process. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 12:00 A.M. |
Moon Rock Cove/Rainbow Collection
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana and Louisa compete to see who's the outdoorsiest twin, but sour the family camping trip in the process. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 3:00 A.M. |
Moon Rock Cove/Rainbow Collection
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana and Louisa compete to see who's the outdoorsiest twin, but sour the family camping trip in the process. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 8:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 4:00 P.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 7:00 P.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 12:00 A.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 3:00 A.M. |
How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps
NH Kids (11.5)
Luke is determined to have the best weekend ever with his class hamster. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 8:00 A.M. |
The Case of the Mysterious Cake/Kibbles and Tricks
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla bakes a delicious cake without a recipe and needs to recreate it by figuring out the right ingredients. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 4:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 7:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 12:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 3:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 8:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NHPBS (11.1)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 4:00 P.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 7:00 P.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Sat, Oct 12 | 12:00 A.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Sat, Oct 12 | 3:00 A.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Mon, Oct 14 | 8:00 A.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Mon, Oct 14 | 4:00 P.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Mon, Oct 14 | 7:00 P.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 12:00 A.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 3:00 A.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 8:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NHPBS (11.1)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 4:00 P.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Tue, Oct 15 | 7:00 P.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Wed, Oct 16 | 12:00 A.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Wed, Oct 16 | 3:00 A.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Wed, Oct 16 | 8:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Wed, Oct 16 | 4:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 12:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 8:00 A.M. |
The Four Little Pigs and Brucey/Handle with Care
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Luke playfully create and act out variations on a fairy tale. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 4:00 P.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 7:00 P.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 12:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 3:00 A.M. |
Uh-Oh/The Puddle
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla feels guilty when she causes a group project to break and doesn't take responsibility. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 8:00 A.M. |
Sanitation Situation/Stu Rides The Bus
NHPBS (11.1)
When the neighborhood garbage truck malfunctions, Lyla and Stu step in to save the day. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 4:00 P.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 7:00 P.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Oct 19 | 12:00 A.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Oct 19 | 3:00 A.M. |
Lemonade Champs/Double Dutch Dilemma
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Everett make a lemonade stand to raise money for the animal shelter. |
Sat, Oct 19 | 4:00 P.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Sun, Oct 20 | 12:00 A.M. |
Piece of Cake/Kibbles and Coins
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla's mistake causes Stu to make a mess, she and Luke must figure out how to get everything back in order before their older sisters' birthday is ruined. |
Sun, Oct 20 | 4:00 P.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Mon, Oct 21 | 12:00 A.M. |
Operation: Rise and Shine/The Carrot Cake Dance
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and her siblings embark on a mission to "debug" their morning routine so they never miss the bus again! |
Mon, Oct 21 | 8:00 A.M. |
2 On 2 Plus Stu/The Stu-Mobile
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Everett recruit Stu to play basketball against their moms, but they'll need to teach Stu to win. |
Mon, Oct 21 | 4:00 P.M. |
The Mystery Puzzle/The Stu Express
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. |
Mon, Oct 21 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Mystery Puzzle/The Stu Express
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 12:00 A.M. |
The Mystery Puzzle/The Stu Express
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Mystery Puzzle/The Stu Express
NH Kids (11.5)
Liana recruits Lyla to help put together a puzzle with over 1000 pieces in order to win a prize. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 8:00 A.M. |
When Luke Became Stu/Secret Surprise Party
NHPBS (11.1)
After feeling left out, Luke decides that he wants to swap places with Stu, but being Stu isn't easy. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 4:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 7:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 12:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 3:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 8:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NHPBS (11.1)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 4:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 7:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 12:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 3:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 8:00 A.M. |
Lyla's Lucky Strike/Lyla Out of the Loop
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla bowls a strike her first time bowling, but she gets frustrated when she realizes bowling isn't as easy as she thought it was. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 4:00 P.M. |
Every Sand-Which Way/Growing Up
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla is coming up with a sandwich special for Loops Lunch, but when her siblings contribute their ideas, Lyla will need to lead the project before it crumbles. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 7:00 P.M. |
Every Sand-Which Way/Growing Up
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla is coming up with a sandwich special for Loops Lunch, but when her siblings contribute their ideas, Lyla will need to lead the project before it crumbles. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 12:00 A.M. |
Every Sand-Which Way/Growing Up
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla is coming up with a sandwich special for Loops Lunch, but when her siblings contribute their ideas, Lyla will need to lead the project before it crumbles. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 3:00 A.M. |
Every Sand-Which Way/Growing Up
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla is coming up with a sandwich special for Loops Lunch, but when her siblings contribute their ideas, Lyla will need to lead the project before it crumbles. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 8:00 A.M. |
Finding A New Friend/Lyla Bugs Out
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and her sisters return a forgotten tote bag by using the items inside it as clues to figure out who it belongs to and their location. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 4:00 P.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 7:00 P.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Sat, Oct 26 | 12:00 A.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Sat, Oct 26 | 3:00 A.M. |
Un-Make A Mess/Hide and Go Stu
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla and Luke clean their room with a little "help" from Stu. |
Sat, Oct 26 | 4:00 P.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Sun, Oct 27 | 12:00 A.M. |
Loopstastic Mess Vacuum Test/How the Cookie Crumbled
NH Kids (11.5)
When the Loops vacuum breaks, Luke, Lyla, and Everett test vacuums to pick the best one. |
Mon, Oct 28 | 7:00 P.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 3:00 A.M. |
Too Many Pumpkins/The Maybe-Sitters
NH Kids (11.5)
When Lyla asks customers for their leftover pumpkins, she gets way too many and the Loops find creative ways to make use of every last one. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 8:00 A.M. |
Stu's Up/Roll N' Scoot
NHPBS (11.1)
Lyla and Louis train Stu to help at the diner. / Lyla and Luke teach Stu how to ride a scooter so he can join the Loops Family for the Roll N' Scoot community event. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 4:00 P.M. |
Carnival for Luke/Rap Report
NH Kids (11.5)
Lyla, Everett, and her sisters build makeshift carnival games for their brother Luke using household and recycled materials. |
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