Gray Wolves, The Riverlorian, Dave Showalter Conservation Photographer, Blue Ridge Parkway
this american land

Sun, Sep 29 1:00 P.M. NH World (11.3)  

GRAY WOLVES Wherever wolves share the landscape with livestock, there are going to be conflicts. We'll show you how a wide range of creative and collaborative people are working together to protect them both. "This American Land" host, wildlife biologist Ed Arnett shows us how an experiment with gray wolves is working. In December, 2023, 10 gray wolves were captured in northeast Oregon and relocated in Colorado, west of the Continental Divide. It's a story of some of the challenges in wildlife conservation, human coexistence with large carnivores, and the impact on the livelihoods of ranchers in the region. THE RIVERLORIAN Steven Marking is a "Riverlorian" ... a river historian, photographer, and filmmaker. He's an outspoken advocate for the Mississippi River. He travels the river, telling stories, and making music. His show, "A Visit from Will Dilg & Scenes from Our Mighty Mississippi" is a stage production that he created, wrote, and performs, to celebrate the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. His work with the Izaak Walton League has helped protect hundreds of miles of the river. DAVE SHOWALTER - CONSERVATION PHOTOGRAPHER And another river expert a bit to the West ....Dave Showalter is a photographer with a special eye on how important rivers are to all living things. He explores the development of a new contract for the Colorado River, one that combines new technology, and restores many of our western rivers for wildlife and recreation. He also tackles the difficult challenge of recalibrating water consumption. Showalter's stunning photographs are part of his book, "Living River: Creating a Resilient Watershed." BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY The Blue Ridge Parkway runs more than 400 miles in North Carolina and Virginia. Local governments, NGOs and public-private partnerships are helping link the rural communities it traverses, making sure their waters stay clean and their inspiring views are unimpeded

Episode Duration: 29 minutes and 0 seconds

Episode Number: 1204

All broadcast times for this episode: (show all)

Sun, Sep 29 1:00 P.M. Gray Wolves, The Riverlorian, Dave Showalter Conservation Photographer, Blue Ridge Parkway     NH World (11.3)

About This American Land:

A unique series of magazine-style episodes hosted by Bruce Burkhardt, a former environmental reporter for CNN, and a fresh new talent, Caroline Raville.

Each episode will link 5 or 6 stories, sometimes in a theme, showing how conservationists, fishermen, hunters and outdoor recreationists are sharing responsibilities for protecting America's natural heritage for future generations.

The focus will be on will be on wild and beautiful places you've never heard about, and on passionate people protecting vital American landscapes, waters, and wildlife.

There's nothing quite like this on national television; THIS AMERICAN LAND will be a distinctive approach to covering serious national conservation issues.

We realize that many stations produce quality programming like this for their local markets, and we think there's a national audience for it in a series like ours.

We will showcase stories from participating affiliates, drawing attention to the special natural resources their localities and what people are doing to protect them.

Current participants are Oregon Public Broadcasting and Georgia Public Broadcasting.

Segments will also be featured from local public broadcasting programs such as Outdoor Oklahoma and Exploring North Carolina.

Each episode will also include a segment from the Science Nation series funded by the National Science Foundation.

Future Broadcast times for "This American Land": (show all)

Sun, Sep 1 1:00 P.M. Confronting Sea Level Rise, Protecting Wyoming Public Lands, Revising Forest Plans     NH World (11.3)
Sun, Sep 8 1:00 P.M. The Wilderness Act at 60, Bringing Back the Birds, Forever Green     NH World (11.3)
Sun, Sep 15 1:00 P.M. Grizzlies, Worry in the Wetlands, Pecos Wilderness     NH World (11.3)
Sun, Sep 22 1:00 P.M. Robert Bullard - Environmental Justice, Kidwind, Lighthawk, Cafe Romain     NH World (11.3)
Sun, Sep 29 1:00 P.M. Gray Wolves, The Riverlorian, Dave Showalter Conservation Photographer, Blue Ridge Parkway     NH World (11.3)

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