In the eighth installment of his ADVENTURES WITH PURPOSE series, renowned adventurer Richard Bangs ventures into the heart of Hong Kong to discover what forces drive a city in which the spiritual concept of chi and the worldly concept of wealth coexist. Bangs begins by taking in one of the most dazzling festivals on earth, Chinese New Year. Then, he wanders beneath the skyscrapers of Central District, meanders down the alleys of Western District and ferries across the harbor to Kowloon. Later, he sails the "dragon-infested" waters to the Geopark, an ecological preserve, before making his way to Lantau Island, and finally north, to the villages of the New Territories.
Episode Duration: 56 minutes and 45 seconds
Episode Number:
Sun, Oct 20 | 10:00 P.M. | Richard Bangs' Adventures with Purpose Hong Kong: Quest for the Dragon NH Create (11.4) |
Mon, Oct 21 | 4:00 A.M. | Richard Bangs' Adventures with Purpose Hong Kong: Quest for the Dragon NH Create (11.4) |
Sun, Oct 20 | 10:00 P.M. | Richard Bangs' Adventures with Purpose Hong Kong: Quest for the Dragon NH Create (11.4) |
Mon, Oct 21 | 4:00 A.M. | Richard Bangs' Adventures with Purpose Hong Kong: Quest for the Dragon NH Create (11.4) |
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WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg