In this episode, Jerry starts with giving brief tips on drawing the elk and the rule of negative space. Continuing on with underpainting, Jerry uses #6 bristle brush and underpaints the front part of the elk always pulling in or out with your brush to create soft blurry edges. With a little lighter mixture, blocks in the rest of the elk. Switching to the #2 bristle brush, Jerry darkens sections of the elk's ears; then with the #4 chisel-edge brush uses white for the light areas of the ears. Using #4 round or flat sable, uses black to block in eye, nose, chin. Toggling back to the background, create soft colors with #10 bristle and producing highlights with the skimming technique. Jerry inserts highlights which appear to be fallen logs along the shoreline then uses script brush to make stems on the logs. Highlights details are continued for the remainder of the episode.
Episode Duration: 28 minutes and 45 seconds
Episode Number: 1407
No future air times were found for this episode.
Jerry Yarnell is launching a whole new series of painting shows.
With a calm and reassuring style that is unmatched by any other art instructor, Jerry guides students through fine-art techniques that can be practiced at home.
What separates Jerry's new series from his older work is the culmination of his entire career to date (over 30 years) brought to the viewer in the form of his best work ever.
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