In this captivating tale, lion researcher Dr. Philip Stander follows three orphaned desert lion cubs as they navigate the harsh realities of survival in one of the world's most unforgiving places, Namibia's brutal Skeleton Coast. Stander's passion for these majestic creatures began 40 years ago, when he encountered a lone desert lioness on the Coast shores. But the desert lions soon disappeared from the region, and more than a decade later, he discovers a female cub called "Queen" whose life unlocks the survival secrets of desert lions. One day tragedy strikes the Queen's three granddaughters who become unexpectedly orphaned, and they embark on a harrowing journey through the empty desert facing starvation. Stander documents their every move, revealing the unique and complex relationship between land and marine predators.
Episode Duration: 56 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number: 4304
No future air times were found for this episode.
NATURE, television's longest-running weekly natural history series, has won more than 200 honors from the television industry, parent groups, the international wildlife film community and environmental organizations, including the only award ever given to a television program by the Sierra Club.
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