Big Oil, Gas and mining companies are in the backyards of many Americans but did you know that some of the same extractive corporations are also operating around the world? Colombia, the Philippines, Mexico, and the Standing Rock Reservation "resource colonization", as today's guest puts it, is a worldwide issue. But how often do we get the global picture? In the documentary "Powerlands", director Ivey-Camille Manybeads Tso meets Indigenous communities across three continents and speaking seven languages, to explore the global resistance against corporations such as Peabody Coal and BHP Petroleum. In the film, she discovers that their struggles are connected; is what she's tracing a trans-local and trans-generational Indigenous movement that is building? Our guests say Indigenous resistance across national borders can beat back corporate assaults on nature, people and our climate. Joining Laura for this Indigenous Peoples' Day special are Ivey-Camille Manybeads Tso and Kim Smith, both from the Dine (Navajo) Nation. Manybeads Tso is a self-described queer director and Smith is a community organizer who appears in the film. Plus a commentary from Laura on the Amazon monopoly it takes one individual to hoard power, and many people to topple them down. "We're seeing this huge transcontinental movement that is forming in Oaxaca with wind power... The win that happened last October in Columbia, requiring mining corporations to clean up after themselves, that's huge for every place on the planet who is currently affected by mining... " Ivey-Camille Manybeads Tso "Standing Rock showed us what is to come, especially when you look at the police state, the military force and imperialism in this country.. . You're seeing it all over the world, [police] have all of this heavy machinery to take and kill what they see is in their path." - Kim Smith Guests: Kim Smith (Dine): Community Organizer, Nihi Ke Baa (For Our Relatives) Mutua
Duration: 26 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number: 427
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THE LAURA FLANDERS SHOW is an award-winning public affairs series that reports on community-led initiatives across the U.S.
creating a more inclusive society.
Host Laura Flanders - a New York broadcast journalist, author and contributing writer to The Nation - talks with experts and people on the front lines of artistic, cultural, social and economic movements.
Each episode blends reporting with in-depth interviews of leaders in the arts and small business world, profiling individuals and organizations uplifting and revitalizing their communities.
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