In a time of climate catastrophe, genocide, mass incarceration and political turmoil, people need to work together - better! That's why lifelong activist Dean Spade has written "Love in a ...... .. World: How to Build Relationships, Hook Up, and Raise Hell, Together". Which tools can help people and social justice movements face conflict and emerge stronger (rather than weaker)? Which stories do we tell ourselves that aren't helping us think - or act - in our best interest? In this timely conversation, Spade shares tips on how we might get our interpersonal houses in order so that we're better equipped to show up for others and the causes we care about. Spade is a lawyer, educator, and author of "Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next)", and "Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of the Law". He's the director of "Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back!", and in 2002 he founded the Sylvia Rivera Law Project in New York City, a law collective that provides free legal services to trans and gender non-conforming people who are low income and/or people of color. He has useful things to say about romance too, which are worth bearing in mind, as the Valentine's marketing crush hits, as Laura reflects in her commentary.". . . Most of us are taking in all the bad news by ourselves through a screen . . . One of the best things we can do to support our own wellbeing through the overwhelm is be with others, joining any kind of project in our communities, a creative project, a mutual aid project . . ." - Dean Spade"The typical self-help genre is very focused on the individual. It doesn't contextualize the kinds of suffering that everyone's going through in a broader feminist analysis, anti-capitalist analysis, anti-racist analysis . . . If we understand that our individual suffering is a bunch of bigger scripts, . . . it can be a little bit freeing
Episode Duration: 26 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number: 142
No future air times were found for this episode.
THE LAURA FLANDERS SHOW is back with more award-winning interviews and investigative reporting on the people and movements driving positive systemic change in our world today.
Hosted by multi-media reporter and author Laura Flanders, the series features smart, solutions-driven conversations with forward-thinking people, including Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Indian writer Arundhati Roy, actress Sheryl Lee Ralph, and actress/activist Laverne Cox.
Laura and her team also report from the field on cutting-edge innovations and topics such as collective ownership and ways that organizations across the country are addressing disparity in the housing market.
Every month, contributors S.
Mitra Kalita and Sara Lomax, co-founders of the URL Media network, join Laura for "Meet the BIPOC Press," a monthly feature of the show highlighting reporters of color from minority-owned and operated media outlets from around the country.
THE LAURA FLANDERS SHOW Season 5 is independently-produced and recorded in a small cabin in rural Sullivan County, New York.
Sun, Feb 16 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
Sun, Feb 23 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
Sun, Mar 2 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
Sun, Mar 9 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
Sun, Mar 16 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
Sun, Mar 23 | 11:30 A.M. | Laura Flanders & Friends NH World (11.3) |
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