Elizabeth Taylor has said "A woman without a scarf is a woman without a future." But my favorite quote is: "Not all superheros wear caps, some wear scarves" Today we will help all of you embrace scarves. We learn the shapes, sized, and finishes to help you love wearing them and make sure they don't wear you. Then some tips about sweing with fur and fur finishes. Also 2 facing options for the little black dress that you will love. All today, on Fit 2 Stitch.
Episode Duration: 26 minutes and 45 seconds
Episode Number: 907
Wed, Feb 12 | 7:00 A.M. | Accessory Scarves, The Roll That Scarves Play NH Create (11.4) |
Wed, Feb 12 | 1:00 P.M. | Accessory Scarves, The Roll That Scarves Play NH Create (11.4) |
Wed, Feb 12 | 3:00 P.M. | Accessory Scarves, The Roll That Scarves Play NH Create (11.4) |
Fit expert Peggy Sagers shares her vision for creating a garment that fits perfectly.
FIT 2 STITCH concentrates on 3 elements: design, fit, and stitching.
Learn the rules of pattern making and how they apply to making a garment ready for successful stitching.
FIT 2 STITCH joins its sister show IT'S SEW EASY inspiring viewers to make garments that they will love to wear and that fit perfectly.
Join Peggy as she ventures into the world of pattern and style for the perfect fit!
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