"Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" is an animated series with live-action interstitials. Fred Rogers' original Neighborhood of Make Believe is recreated in vibrant color and texture; his signature puppet Daniel Striped Tiger is transformed into a curious and playful 4-year-old joined by his friends O the Owl, Prince Wednesday, Katerina Kittycat and Miss Elaina. The series curriculum is school-readiness and social-emotional learning, and each preschool themed episode offers a musical strategy for children and parents to use together.
Mon, Oct 7 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Fixes Trolley/Problem Solver Daniel
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Fixes Trolley - Daniel accidentally breaks a wheel off Trolley while playing. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Mon, Oct 7 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel Feels Worried About Mom/Jodi Loses Benji NH Kids (11.5) |
Tue, Oct 8 | 9:00 A.M. |
The Tiger Family Grows/Daniel Learns About Being A Big Brother
NHPBS (11.1)
The Tiger Family Grows - The Tiger Family is expanding and Daniel finds out that he is going to be a big brother! |
Tue, Oct 8 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Gives A Gift/Daniel Receives A Gift
NH Kids (11.5)
On her birthday, Miss Elaina learns it's important to take time to appreciate gifts from friends. |
Tue, Oct 8 | 10:30 A.M. |
King Daniel for the Day
NH Kids (11.5)
King Daniel for the Day In this special full-length episode, Daniel Tiger is curious about what it's like to be King. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 9:00 A.M. |
A Storm in the Neighborhood/After The Neighborhood Storm
NHPBS (11.1)
The Neighborhood Storm - There's a big storm coming to the Neighborhood. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Wants to Be Alone/Daniel's Alone Space
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Wants to Be Alone - While playing with his friends at school, Daniel decides he would like to spend some time alone. |
Wed, Oct 9 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel and Miss Elaina Put Their Things Away/Daniel and Prince Wednesday Put Their Things Away NH Kids (11.5) |
Thu, Oct 10 | 9:00 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NHPBS (11.1)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Thu, Oct 10 | 10:30 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 9:00 A.M. |
Playtime Is Different/The Playground Is Different With Baby
NHPBS (11.1)
Playtime is Different Daniel is having fun playing restaurant with O and Katerina but they keep getting interrupted by a very curious Margaret who wants to be part of the action. |
Fri, Oct 11 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Birthday/Daniel's Picnic
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Birthday - It's Daniel's Birthday! |
Fri, Oct 11 | 10:30 A.M. |
Margaret's Birthday Buddy/Margaret's Birthday Party
NH Kids (11.5)
Margaret's Birthday Buddy - The Tiger Family is busy preparing for Margaret's birthday party. |
Sat, Oct 12 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Gives A Gift/Daniel Receives A Gift
NH Kids (11.5)
On her birthday, Miss Elaina learns it's important to take time to appreciate gifts from friends. |
Sat, Oct 12 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel and Miss Elaina Put Their Things Away/Daniel and Prince Wednesday Put Their Things Away NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Oct 13 | 10:00 A.M. |
King Daniel for the Day
NH Kids (11.5)
King Daniel for the Day In this special full-length episode, Daniel Tiger is curious about what it's like to be King. |
Sun, Oct 13 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel's Birthday/Daniel's Picnic
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Birthday - It's Daniel's Birthday! |
Mon, Oct 14 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Gets Mad at Dad/Daniel Gets Mad at His Friends
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Gets Mad at Dad - On their way to the post office, Dad tells Daniel he can't play at the park, and that makes Daniel mad! |
Mon, Oct 14 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel's Babysitter/Daniel Goes to School
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Babysitter - Prince Tuesday comes to babysit Daniel Tiger while Mom Tiger and Dad Tiger go out dancing. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 9:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NHPBS (11.1)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Tue, Oct 15 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel And Miss Elaina Play Rocketship/Daniel Plays At The Castle
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel and Miss Elaina Play Rocketship - Daniel has come to play with Miss Elaina today! |
Tue, Oct 15 | 10:30 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Wed, Oct 16 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Thinks of Others/Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Thinks of Others - Daniel is making all kinds of art at school today. |
Wed, Oct 16 | 10:00 A.M. |
Prince Wednesday Finds A Way To Play/Finding A Way To Play On Backwards Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Prince Wednesday Finds a Way to Play - Daniel and Katerina Kittycat are playing "house" today at school. |
Wed, Oct 16 | 10:30 A.M. |
Miss Elaina's Bandage/A Fair Place to Play
NH Kids (11.5)
With help from her mom and Dr. Anna, Miss Elaina makes bandages that look like her skin color. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Friends Say No/Prince Wednesday Doesn't Want to Play
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel's Friends Say No - When Daniel gets to school, he approaches Miss Elaina to play with her but is frustrated when he finds that she would rather read alone. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Helps Take Care of Margaret/Daniel Goes to the Dinosaur Playground
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel is upset when Dad Tiger can't pick him up from school, but Nana Platypus helps take care of him. |
Thu, Oct 17 | 10:30 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 9:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Wedding
NHPBS (11.1)
Dr. Anna and Baker Aker are getting married, and the whole Neighborhood is helping them celebrate! |
Fri, Oct 18 | 10:00 A.M. |
Mr. Malik Comes Back to School/Daniel's Wintry Walk
NH Kids (11.5)
When the class is feeling excited, Mr. Malik helps them calm down and get ready to meet his pet hermit crab. |
Fri, Oct 18 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Takes His Time/Sometime's It's Good to Go Slow
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Takes His Time - Grandpere is visiting Daniel and they are baking raisin bread together. |
Sat, Oct 19 | 10:00 A.M. |
Prince Wednesday Finds A Way To Play/Finding A Way To Play On Backwards Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Prince Wednesday Finds a Way to Play - Daniel and Katerina Kittycat are playing "house" today at school. |
Sat, Oct 19 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Helps Take Care of Margaret/Daniel Goes to the Dinosaur Playground
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel is upset when Dad Tiger can't pick him up from school, but Nana Platypus helps take care of him. |
Sun, Oct 20 | 10:00 A.M. |
Mr. Malik Comes Back to School/Daniel's Wintry Walk
NH Kids (11.5)
When the class is feeling excited, Mr. Malik helps them calm down and get ready to meet his pet hermit crab. |
Sun, Oct 20 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Gets Mad at Dad/Daniel Gets Mad at His Friends
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Gets Mad at Dad - On their way to the post office, Dad tells Daniel he can't play at the park, and that makes Daniel mad! |
Mon, Oct 21 | 10:00 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Mon, Oct 21 | 10:30 A.M. |
A New Friend at School/ A New Friend at the Playground
NH Kids (11.5)
A New Friend at School - Daniel can't wait to race the crafty car he made at school with Prince Wednesday! |
Tue, Oct 22 | 9:00 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NHPBS (11.1)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Very Different Day/Class Trip to the Library
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Very Different - Day Daniel was expecting to have a special picnic at Katerina's house, but the day doesn't turn out quite as he had planned. |
Tue, Oct 22 | 10:30 A.M. |
Find What Makes Your Family Special/Family Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Find What Makes Your Family Special - Katerina wishes she had a little sister like Baby Margaret to play with. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Makes A Mistake/Baking Mistakes
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Makes a Mistake - While Daniel is looking at different items under the magnifier at school, he accidentally knocks a basket of objects off the table, sending things tumbling all over the floor. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Wed, Oct 23 | 10:30 A.M. | Jodi Tries Ballet/Daniel Tries Something New with Grandpere NH Kids (11.5) |
Thu, Oct 24 | 9:00 A.M. |
Miss Elaina Gets Hurt/Daniel Feels Better
NHPBS (11.1)
Miss Elaina Gets Hurt - Daniel is at Miss Elaina's house and the friends are playing "astronauts" with their toys! |
Thu, Oct 24 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Visits School/Daniel Visits The Doctor
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Visits School - Daniel is visiting school for the first time and he's a little nervous until he learns that asking questions so that he knows what to expect is the best way to handle the anxiety that comes with new experiences. |
Thu, Oct 24 | 10:30 A.M. |
Jodi's First Day at School/Daniel Plays at Jodi's House
NH Kids (11.5)
Jodi's First Day at School - Jodi is nervous on her first day at a new school, so Teacher Harriet explains to Jodi that she can find something or someone she knows to help herself feel better. |
Fri, Oct 25 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Winter Adventure/Neighborhood Nutcracker
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel's Winter Adventure - Daniel, Dad, Prince Wednesday and Prince Tuesday are all going sledding! |
Fri, Oct 25 | 10:00 A.M. | Daniel Goes to Day Camp/Daniel's Rainy Day at Camp NH Kids (11.5) |
Fri, Oct 25 | 10:30 A.M. |
Friends Help Each Other/Daniel Helps O Tell A Story
NH Kids (11.5)
Friends Help Each Other - Daniel spends the day at Katerina Kittycat's house. |
Sat, Oct 26 | 10:00 A.M. |
Find What Makes Your Family Special/Family Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Find What Makes Your Family Special - Katerina wishes she had a little sister like Baby Margaret to play with. |
Sat, Oct 26 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel Goes to Day Camp/Daniel's Rainy Day at Camp NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Oct 27 | 10:00 A.M. |
A New Friend at School/ A New Friend at the Playground
NH Kids (11.5)
A New Friend at School - Daniel can't wait to race the crafty car he made at school with Prince Wednesday! |
Sun, Oct 27 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Visits School/Daniel Visits The Doctor
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Visits School - Daniel is visiting school for the first time and he's a little nervous until he learns that asking questions so that he knows what to expect is the best way to handle the anxiety that comes with new experiences. |
Mon, Oct 28 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Mon, Oct 28 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Visits The Dentist/Daniel's First Haircut
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Visits the Dentist - Daniel visits Dr. Plat, his new dentist. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel and Miss Elaina's Obstacle Course/Daniel and O's Magic Show
NHPBS (11.1)
When Miss Elaina's dad is busy, she and Daniel find a way to play in her obstacle course on their own. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Learns About Lizards/Daniel Wonders About Trolley
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Learns About Lizards - Daniel and Prince Wednesday discover a small lizard in Daniel's backyard. |
Tue, Oct 29 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Finds Something to Do/Daniel's Royal Good Time
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Finds Something to Do - Tiger is working, but Daniel really wants her to play with him. |
Wed, Oct 30 | 9:00 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NHPBS (11.1)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Wed, Oct 30 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Loves Tigey/Daniel Needs Tigey at School
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Loves Tigey - Daniel gets upset when Margaret spills juice on his favorite stuffed animal, Tigey. |
Wed, Oct 30 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Gets Mad/Katerina Gets Mad
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Gets Mad - Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesday are looking forward to playing at the beach. |
Thu, Oct 31 | 10:30 A.M. |
Katerina's Costume/Dress Up Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Katerina's Costume: Daniel and Katerina are at Miss Elaina's Museum-Go-Round to make their costumes for Dress Up Day. |
Fri, Nov 1 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Goldfish Dies/Daniel's Strawberry Seeds
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel's Goldfish Dies - When Daniel's pet fish dies, he begins to ask questions about what happened to help him understand what death means, and how to handle the emotions that often come with losing someone you love. |
Fri, Nov 1 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Shares His Tigertastic Car/Katerina Shares Her Tutu
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Shares his Tigertastic Car - Daniel and his friends are playing together in the park. |
Fri, Nov 1 | 10:30 A.M. |
Something Special for Dad/I Love You, Mom
NH Kids (11.5)
Something Special for Dad - Daniel notices how happy Dad is to have received a letter from Grandpere. |
Sat, Nov 2 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Visits The Dentist/Daniel's First Haircut
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Visits the Dentist - Daniel visits Dr. Plat, his new dentist. |
Sat, Nov 2 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Learns About Lizards/Daniel Wonders About Trolley
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Learns About Lizards - Daniel and Prince Wednesday discover a small lizard in Daniel's backyard. |
Sat, Nov 2 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Sun, Nov 3 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Sun, Nov 3 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Finds Something to Do/Daniel's Royal Good Time
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Finds Something to Do - Tiger is working, but Daniel really wants her to play with him. |
Sun, Nov 3 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Loves Tigey/Daniel Needs Tigey at School
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Loves Tigey - Daniel gets upset when Margaret spills juice on his favorite stuffed animal, Tigey. |
Sun, Nov 3 | 7:00 P.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Mon, Nov 4 | 3:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Mon, Nov 4 | 9:00 A.M. |
Circle Time Squabble/It's Not Okay to Hurt Someone
NHPBS (11.1)
Circle Time Squabble - At school, Daniel gets so mad at Miss Elaina that he wants to push her. |
Mon, Nov 4 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Class Votes/The Neighborhood Votes
NH Kids (11.5)
The Class Votes - At school, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! |
Mon, Nov 4 | 10:30 A.M. |
Visiting Grandpere/The Tiger Family Goes Back Home
NH Kids (11.5)
Visiting Grandpere - The Tiger Family is visiting Grandpere's house and Daniel notices all of the things that are different and all of the things that are the same. |
Tue, Nov 5 | 9:00 A.M. |
The Class Votes/The Neighborhood Votes
NHPBS (11.1)
The Class Votes - At school, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! |
Tue, Nov 5 | 10:00 A.M. |
A Trip To The Enchanted Garden/A Trip To The Crayon Factory
NH Kids (11.5)
A Trip to the Enchanted Garden - The Tiger family is making strawberry pancakes for breakfast this morning, but when Mom looks more closely in the kitchen, she realizes there are no more strawberries left. |
Tue, Nov 5 | 10:30 A.M. |
The Class Votes/The Neighborhood Votes
NH Kids (11.5)
The Class Votes - At school, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! |
Wed, Nov 6 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Loves Tigey/Daniel Needs Tigey at School
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Loves Tigey - Daniel gets upset when Margaret spills juice on his favorite stuffed animal, Tigey. |
Wed, Nov 6 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Waits For Show And Tell/A Night Out At The Restaurant
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Waits for Show and Tell - Daniel is so excited to share a book he made with his class at "show and tell," but he's finding it very difficult to wait. |
Wed, Nov 6 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Doesn't Want to Go Potty/Daniel Sits on the Potty
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Doesn't Want to Go Potty - Daniel and Mom Tiger are meeting Katerina for lunch, and Daniel learns that it's important to try to go , potty before leaving the house. |
Thu, Nov 7 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Surprising Day/Daniel Makes A Surprise
NHPBS (11.1)
When Daniel goes on a walk with his family on an ordinary day, they find all kinds of surprises along the way! |
Thu, Nov 7 | 10:00 A.M. |
Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty/Daniel Goes To The Potty
NH Kids (11.5)
Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty - Prince Wednesday is in the block corner at school building the "tallest tower in the world! |
Thu, Nov 7 | 10:30 A.M. |
Fruit Picking Day/Daniel Is Big Enough to Help Dad
NH Kids (11.5)
Fruit Picking Day - Daniel and his friends are enjoying a Fruit Festival in the Enchanted Garden. |
Fri, Nov 8 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Goes to Sleep/Prince Wednesday Sleeps Over
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Goes to Sleep - It's time for Daniel to go to sleep, but there's just one problem he's not feeling sleepy! |
Fri, Nov 8 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Fri, Nov 8 | 10:30 A.M. |
Tiger Family Trip
NH Kids (11.5)
The Tiger Family is heading out on a road trip to Grandpere's house! |
Sat, Nov 9 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Class Votes/The Neighborhood Votes
NH Kids (11.5)
The Class Votes - At school, Daniel and his classmates get to choose their new class pet! |
Sat, Nov 9 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Waits For Show And Tell/A Night Out At The Restaurant
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Waits for Show and Tell - Daniel is so excited to share a book he made with his class at "show and tell," but he's finding it very difficult to wait. |
Sun, Nov 10 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Doesn't Want to Go Potty/Daniel Sits on the Potty
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Doesn't Want to Go Potty - Daniel and Mom Tiger are meeting Katerina for lunch, and Daniel learns that it's important to try to go , potty before leaving the house. |
Sun, Nov 10 | 10:30 A.M. |
Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty/Daniel Goes To The Potty
NH Kids (11.5)
Prince Wednesday Goes to the Potty - Prince Wednesday is in the block corner at school building the "tallest tower in the world! |
Mon, Nov 11 | 9:00 A.M. |
Pizza Day at School/Daniel and Jodi Like Different Things
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel thinks Prince Wednesday wants peppers on his pizza, but learns that friends can like different things. |
Mon, Nov 11 | 10:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NH Kids (11.5)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Mon, Nov 11 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel Meets a New Friend/A New Friend at the Clock Factory NH Kids (11.5) |
Tue, Nov 12 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Wants to Be Alone/Daniel's Alone Space
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Wants to Be Alone - While playing with his friends at school, Daniel decides he would like to spend some time alone. |
Tue, Nov 12 | 10:00 A.M. | O Gives Daniel Space/Daniel and Miss Elaina Bake Pretzels NH Kids (11.5) |
Tue, Nov 12 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel's Allergy/Allergies at School
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Allergy - When Daniel tries a peach for the first time, he learns he is allergic to the fruit. |
Wed, Nov 13 | 9:00 A.M. |
The Neighborhood Fall Festival/Field Day at School
NHPBS (11.1)
The Neighborhood Fall Festival - The neighbors are busy decorating for the big Fall Festival when a gust of wind knocks down Music Man Stan's hard work. |
Wed, Nov 13 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel Makes a Noise Maker/Daniel Makes the Neighborhood
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Makes a Noise Maker - Daniel and Katerina are playing "super hero helpers. |
Wed, Nov 13 | 10:30 A.M. | Daniel Follows the Rules at the Pool/Daniel's First Swim Class NH Kids (11.5) |
Thu, Nov 14 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel Takes His Time/Sometime's It's Good to Go Slow
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel Takes His Time - Grandpere is visiting Daniel and they are baking raisin bread together. |
Thu, Nov 14 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Bicycle/Katerina's Magic Trick
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Bicycle - Dad Tiger gives Daniel his old bicycle, and Daniel is eager to ride it. |
Thu, Nov 14 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel and Margaret Play School/Treasure Hunt at the Castle
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel and Margaret Play School - Teacher Daniel is playing "school" today, but his "student," Baby Margaret, just won't cooperate! |
Fri, Nov 15 | 9:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Very Different Day/Class Trip to the Library
NHPBS (11.1)
Daniel's Very Different - Day Daniel was expecting to have a special picnic at Katerina's house, but the day doesn't turn out quite as he had planned. |
Fri, Nov 15 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel and O's Road Trip/Daniel's Puppet Plan
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel and O's Road Trip - Daniel and O are pretending to go on a Trolley road trip. |
Fri, Nov 15 | 10:30 A.M. | Tiger Family Lunch/Dinnertime at Jodi's NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Nov 16 | 10:00 A.M. | Daniel Meets a New Friend/A New Friend at the Clock Factory NH Kids (11.5) |
Sat, Nov 16 | 10:30 A.M. | O Gives Daniel Space/Daniel and Miss Elaina Bake Pretzels NH Kids (11.5) |
Sun, Nov 17 | 10:00 A.M. |
Daniel's Allergy/Allergies at School
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel's Allergy - When Daniel tries a peach for the first time, he learns he is allergic to the fruit. |
Sun, Nov 17 | 10:30 A.M. |
Daniel Makes a Noise Maker/Daniel Makes the Neighborhood
NH Kids (11.5)
Daniel Makes a Noise Maker - Daniel and Katerina are playing "super hero helpers. |
Mon, Nov 18 | 9:00 A.M. |
Thank You, Grandpere Tiger!/Neighborhood Thank You Day
NHPBS (11.1)
Thank You, Grandpere Tiger! |
Mon, Nov 18 | 10:00 A.M. | Margaret's First Thank You Day NH Kids (11.5) |
Mon, Nov 18 | 10:30 A.M. |
Thank You, Grandpere Tiger!/Neighborhood Thank You Day
NH Kids (11.5)
Thank You, Grandpere Tiger! |
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