Every Vote Counts




You will find more election resources and information at the NHPBS NH Votes website!
What is a Mock Election?
The NH Student Mock Election gives New Hampshire students in grades K-12 the opportunity to participate in the electoral process by researching and then voting for candidates for U.S. President, NH Governor, and U.S. House candidates for District One or District Two. The NH student mock Election is a great way to engage young people in the electoral process and encourage civic engagement.
How Does It Work?
Elections are coordinated locally and can be as simple or as elaborate as desired by individual locations. Some schools invite local election officials to help coordinate voting, some schools have voting take place in individual classrooms, and other schools set up voting stations in a central location. Some libraries have a ballot box and paper ballots available, others set up an online voting station. However voting is set, NH Student Mock Election voting will occur from October 28-31, 2024 and results will be announced on Friday, November 1. You will find downloadable paper ballots at this site as well as links to online voting. Online voting can be done on computers or handheld devices. We will collect and tabulate votes on October 31 and report the results on November 1.
SAUs, districts, schools, classes, groups, and homeschools can all register to vote. Groups can include after-school programs, libraries, Boy Scout troops, Girl Scout troops, Boys and Girls Club groups, and other organizations that work with young people. REGISTER NOW
Registered Schools
- Academy for Science and Design - Nashua
- Amherst Middle School
- Bedford High School
- Belmont High School
- Bishop Brady High School - Concord
- Bow High School
- Campton Elementary School
- Claremont Middle School
- Conant Middle High School - Jaffrey
- ConVal High School - Peterborough
- Cooperative Middle Schol - Stratham
- David R. Cawley Middle School - Hooksett
- Farmington High School
- Governor Wentworth Regional School District - Wolfeboro
- Great Brook School - Antrim
- Groveton Elementary School
- Henniker Community School
- Henry W. Moore School - Candia
- Hollis Montessori School
- Hopkinton Middle High School
- Keene High School
- Keene Middle School
- Keene Public Library
- Kennett High School - North Conway
- Kingswood Regional High - Wolfeboro
- Lempster Community School
- Manchester Memorial High School
- Manchester High School West
- Merrimack Valley High School - Penacook
- Merrimack Valley Middle School - Penacook
- Moharimet Elementary School - Madbury
- Newfound Memorial Middle School - Bristol
- Newport High School
- North Hampton School
- Pierce Elementary School - Bennington
- Pittsburg School
- Portsmouth High School
- Portsmouth Middle School
- Profile School - Bethlehem
- Raymond High School
- Reeds Ferry School - Merrimack
- Rochester Middle School
- Salem High School
- South Meadow Middle School - Peterborough
- Southside Middle School - Manchester
- Spaulding High School - Rochester
- Stevens High School - Claremont
- Sunapee High School
- Thornton Central School
- Vilas School - Alstead
- Westmoreland School
- White Mountains Regional High - Whitefield
- Winnisquam Regional High School - Tilton