The mission of New Hampshire PBS is to be a catalyst for new ideas, community connection and civic engagement. NHPBS uses the power of media to educate and inform audiences everywhere. In the upcoming 2022 Election, NHPBS is offering critical information for residents to cast a more informed vote. See below for local resources.
NH Candidate debates are held in collaboration with NHPR and the New Hampshire Bulletin. Spanish translation of the NH Debates is brought to you by the Language Bank.
Production support for the NH Candidate Debates is provided by the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire.
Incumbent Annie Kuster (D) debates challenger Robert Burns (R).
Incumbent Maggie Hassan (D) debates challenger Don Bolduc (R) for the U.S. Senate seat.
Los Candidatos del El Senado de los Estados Unidos.
Incumbent Chris Sununu (R) debates challenger Tom Sherman (D) for the NH Governor's seat.
Los Candidatos para Gobernador de NH, Republicano Chris Sununu y demócrata Tom Sherman.
As part of the Exchange Candidate Debates From NHPR.
As part of the Exchange Candidate Debates From NHPR.
NH Congressional District 2 Debate - NH Election 2020
Part of the Exchange Candidate Debates From NHPR.
New Hampshire filmmaker Ken Burns has a message.
Comedian and NH native Seth Meyers.
Concerned about voting in the age of Covid?
A record number of people voted absentee in the NH Primary.
Concerned about voting in the age of Covid?
Concerned about voting in the age of Covid?