Today is World Emoji Day and Yellow Pig Day (number 17)
July is National Parks & Recreation Month and National Ice Cream Month.
Today's Birthdays
Songs of the Day
Today's Theme: Salamanders and Gerrymandering
NHPBS and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for educators. You can also create your own lessons and assignments to meet the needs of your students.
Searchable online video courses and interactives across the curriculum and grade levels in areas like chemistry, literature, music, the visual arts, social studies, world languages storytelling, spelling and lots more.
Features over 1,000 animated shorts and quizzes for students in grades K-12 covering science, social studies, English, math, the arts, health, and technology. The service is free to schools closed due to COVID-19.
Everyday Scholastic will feature four learning experiences, built around a story or video.
A series of imaginatively produced videos featuring celebrated actors reading children's books.
The best of NH learning resources from around the state.
Susan Adams
Education Manager
Phone: 603-868-4455
Fax: 603-868-7552