A healthy human bone is as strong as granite! The bones produce red and white blood cells, support the immune system and give us structure and movement. In Chinese medicine the bones were seen as deep energy storage. As we age, bone density goes down and their health can suffer. Lee Holden teaches you movements to improve bone density, increase energy and circulate deep vitality through the body.
Episode Duration: 26 minutes and 43 seconds
Episode Number: 110
No future air times were found for this episode.
Qi Gong is said to be "the art of preventing disease and prolonging life." The exercise continues to benefit participants around the world by combining breathing, stretching, strengthening, relaxation, meditation and flow into a simple yet highly effective practice.
Set in beautiful locations, including Yosemite National Park, Croatia and California's redwood parks, YOUR FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WITH LEE HOLDEN takes viewers on a journey into this profoundly healing art.
Guided by Lee Holden, an internationally known instructor in qi gong, meditation and tai chi, the series shows viewers the different ways that qi gong practices can improve one's quality of life.
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WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
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