In the 11th installment of his Emmy-winning ADVENTURES WITH PURPOSE series, renowned adventurer Richard Bangs explores the Rhone River, Lake Geneva and the Matterhorn regions of Switzerland - the country known since Medieval times as the "water castle" of Europe. On his quest, Richard uncovers how the Swiss harnessed the Rhone to light Switzerland and its neighbors, power some of the world's most efficient rail systems and quench the thirst of millions, while still managing to preserve this precious resource.
Episode Duration: 56 minutes and 45 seconds
Episode Number:
WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham
WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg