This BBC drama follows the lives, loves, highs and lows of four members of the Women's Land Army who are working at the Hoxley Estate during World War II. As men fought on the battlefields, women from all walks of life worked the farms that fed the nation, doing their part to keep the home front running. Joyce, Nancy, Annie and Bea join the Land Army officially to help Britain's war effort, but privately each has her own reasons for doing so.
Episode Duration: 58 minutes and 33 seconds
Episode Number: 105
No future air times were found for this episode.
WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham
WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg