This animated series is based on Marc Brown's best-selling books about Arthur Read, an eight-year-old aardvark, his sister D.W., and their family and friends. The boys and girls go head to head with pranks when "Arthur Goes To Camp." But when the neighboring camp joins in, the kids put their differences aside for the common good. Buster is in danger of failing third grade in "Buster Makes the Grade," so his classmates band together to try to get him to take studying seriously.
Episode Duration: 28 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number: 107
No future air times were found for this episode.
ARTHUR is based on the best-selling children's books by Marc Brown.
The series revolves around an eight year-old aardvark, his four year-old sister DW, and their family and friends.
ARTHUR is a show about being a kid, exploring the world, and finding your place in it.
It's about kids finding inner strengths, learning to make choices for themselves, taking responsibility for them and of course, having fun.
In each episode, Arthur and his gang guide us through stories that deal with real "kid issues" -- timeless difficulties and joys that all kids experience.
The series also models the joys and rewards of literacy by presenting the many ways kids and adults incorporate reading and writing into their lives.
Above all, ARTHUR is a comedy that tells its stories from a kids' point of view, never moralizing or talking down to them.
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