This acclaimed Emmy Award-winning anthology series features documentaries and a limited number of fiction films united by the creative freedom, artistic achievement and unflinching visions of their independent producers. INDEPENDENT LENS features unforgettable stories about a unique individual, community or moment in history. The series is supported by interactive companion Web sites and national publicity and community engagement campaigns.
Tue, Nov 26 | 1:00 P.M. |
Scenes from the Glittering World
NH Explore (11.2)
Following three Indigenous students, Scenes from the Glittering World is a meditation on adolescence, trauma, and the power of connecting with an isolated Navajo homeland. |
Tue, Dec 17 | 4:00 P.M. |
Sister Una Lived A Good Death
NH World (11.3)
Following a cancer diagnosis, a wisecracking Catholic nun chooses to live as she's dying. |
Wed, Dec 25 | 8:30 P.M. |
Mama Bears
NH World (11.3)
Although they grew up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians, these moms are now willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to keep their kids safe-even if it challenges their belief systems and rips apart their worlds. |
Thu, Dec 26 | 1:30 A.M. |
Mama Bears
NH World (11.3)
Although they grew up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians, these moms are now willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to keep their kids safe-even if it challenges their belief systems and rips apart their worlds. |
Thu, Dec 26 | 9:30 A.M. |
Mama Bears
NH World (11.3)
Although they grew up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians, these moms are now willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to keep their kids safe-even if it challenges their belief systems and rips apart their worlds. |
Fri, Dec 27 | 9:00 P.M. |
Three Chaplains
NH World (11.3)
Three Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military face resistance and uncertainty as they uphold the First Amendment and practice their faith. |
Sat, Dec 28 | 2:00 A.M. |
Three Chaplains
NH World (11.3)
Three Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military face resistance and uncertainty as they uphold the First Amendment and practice their faith. |
Sat, Dec 28 | 10:00 A.M. |
Three Chaplains
NH World (11.3)
Three Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military face resistance and uncertainty as they uphold the First Amendment and practice their faith. |
Sat, Dec 28 | 12:00 P.M. |
Mama Bears
NH World (11.3)
Although they grew up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians, these moms are now willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to keep their kids safe-even if it challenges their belief systems and rips apart their worlds. |
Sat, Dec 28 | 4:00 P.M. |
Three Chaplains
NH World (11.3)
Three Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military face resistance and uncertainty as they uphold the First Amendment and practice their faith. |
Tue, Dec 31 | 1:30 P.M. |
Move Me
NH Explore (11.2)
Who am I now? After an accident left dancer Kelsey Peterson paralyzed, she finds new allies within the Spinal Cord Injury community while testing the limits of her recovery, body, and spirit. |
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