Coming to television for the first time ever in an animated series, the Cat in the Hat whisks pre-schoolers off on a voyage of scientific discovery. "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!" features six-year-olds Sally & Nick, best friends and next door neighbors, who are transported on magical journeys to all corners of the globe where the natural world becomes their playground. With the Cat as their guide, his two energetic helpers, the zany duo, Thing One and Thing Two and the enigmatic Fish along for the ride, every outing becomes an unpredictable adventure. In each episode, Sally and Nick head off with the Cat in his one-of-a-kind custom vehicle, the Thinga-ma-jigger, a quintessentially Seussian contraption that instantly transforms from plane to boat to submarine with just a flick of the jigger-ma-whizzer or a honk of the shrinkamadoodle. They go everywhere from the ocean bottom, to a rainforest, or to the centre of a beehive. The Cat in the Hat "knows a lot" but he doesn't know everything making him the perfect guide for learning and fun.
Sat, Dec 7 | 6:00 A.M. |
A Long Winter's Nap/The Tree Doctor
NH Kids (11.5)
A Long Winter's Nap - Sally and Nick are so excited to go ice skating tomorrow, that they can't fall asleep! |
Sun, Dec 8 | 6:00 A.M. |
Thump/Squirreled Away
NH Kids (11.5)
Thump - Nick is trying to make his mother a surprise lunch, but she keeps coming into the kitchen! |
Sat, Dec 14 | 6:00 A.M. |
Chasing Rainbows/Follow The Prints
NH Kids (11.5)
Chasing Rainbows - The kids are painting a picture of a rainbow but can't remember all the colors to use. |
Sun, Dec 15 | 6:00 A.M. |
Bump Bump Bump Around/Snow Difference
NH Kids (11.5)
When Nick's magic trick causes his toy car to disappear under the porch, the Cat takes them to Arcade Island to win a Grasper-ma-clasper. |
Sat, Dec 28 | 6:00 A.M. |
Jump!/Slow Down for Sloths
NH Kids (11.5)
Jump! |
Sun, Dec 29 | 6:00 A.M. |
Incredible Journey/Bamboozled
NH Kids (11.5)
Incredible Journey - Nick and Sally are playing in their homemade Thingamajigger, when the Cat arrives to take them on a real adventure! |
Sat, Jan 4 | 6:00 A.M. |
Cause and Effect/Good Vibrations
NH Kids (11.5)
When Nick's water glass suddenly falls over without anyone touching it, Cat comes to help them solve the mystery. |
Sun, Jan 5 | 6:00 A.M. |
Enough Is Enough/Back On Track
NH Kids (11.5)
Sally thinks that the three sticks she has aren't enough to make anything. |
Sat, Jan 11 | 6:00 A.M. |
Bump Bump Bump Around/Snow Difference
NH Kids (11.5)
When Nick's magic trick causes his toy car to disappear under the porch, the Cat takes them to Arcade Island to win a Grasper-ma-clasper. |
Sun, Jan 12 | 6:00 A.M. |
Treehouse Handshake/The Big Pictures
NH Kids (11.5)
Sally invents a secret treehouse handshake, but Nick can't remember the sequence. |
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