Quentin Blake's Clown is a half-hour animation that brings to life the adventures of a little toy clown, who has been thrown away. On Christmas Eve he goes on an exciting journey to find a new home for himself and his toy friends. After a series of unhappy incidents, he finds a poor but loving family (two children and a single mother) happy to welcome them in their humble home and love them. It's the story of an unusual outcast that talks about resilience and hope, which will resonate with many viewers in the difficult times we live. At the end of the film, we learn that toys only come alive when children love them.
Episode Duration: 26 minutes and 46 seconds
Episode Number:
No future air times were found for this episode.
WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham
WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg