GROWING NATIVE is a four-part series that takes viewers on adventures throughout Indian country. Through conversations between different episode hosts and local guides, viewers get a glimpse of modern and traditional reservation life, and learn how native people pass on their experience and wisdom to others in a positive way. The series highlights these shared experiences to help bridge a better understanding of native people. Viewers also learn how Native communities are working toward sustainable food sovereignty and renewable energy sources, and how they are adapting to impacts from climate change.
Sat, Nov 9 | 7:00 P.M. |
Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish
NH World (11.3)
Venture to the Pacific Northwest to capture the stories of ongoing traditions and perseverance of its original inhabitants. |
Mon, Nov 11 | 4:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish
NH World (11.3)
Venture to the Pacific Northwest to capture the stories of ongoing traditions and perseverance of its original inhabitants. |
Thu, Nov 14 | 5:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish
NH World (11.3)
Venture to the Pacific Northwest to capture the stories of ongoing traditions and perseverance of its original inhabitants. |
Thu, Nov 14 | 11:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish
NH World (11.3)
Venture to the Pacific Northwest to capture the stories of ongoing traditions and perseverance of its original inhabitants. |
Sat, Nov 16 | 7:00 P.M. |
Growing Native Alaska: People of the North
NH World (11.3)
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to support their families, cultures and ways of life. |
Mon, Nov 18 | 4:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Alaska: People of the North
NH World (11.3)
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to support their families, cultures and ways of life. |
Thu, Nov 21 | 5:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Alaska: People of the North
NH World (11.3)
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to support their families, cultures and ways of life. |
Thu, Nov 21 | 11:00 A.M. |
Growing Native Alaska: People of the North
NH World (11.3)
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to support their families, cultures and ways of life. |
WENH-TV Ch. 11 Durham
WLED-TV Ch. 48 Littleton
WEKW-TV Ch. 18 Keene
W50DP-D Ch. 50 Hanover
W34DQ-D Ch. 34 Pittsburg