The Ultimate Questions of vast existence and human sentience and human futures from the perspectives of Global Philosophy of Religion, featuring diverse religions/traditions (alphabetically): African, Buddhist, Chinese, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, and Jewish.
Fri, Feb 21 | 6:30 A.M. |
Global Philosophy: Why Inner Life Practices?
NH World (11.3)
Inner and outer lives; kinds of contemplative practices / meditation; religious practices, rituals, behaviors; implications for how to live; asceticism; relationship with God/Deities/Ultimates. |
Fri, Feb 21 | 1:30 P.M. |
Global Philosophy: Why Inner Life Practices?
NH World (11.3)
Inner and outer lives; kinds of contemplative practices / meditation; religious practices, rituals, behaviors; implications for how to live; asceticism; relationship with God/Deities/Ultimates. |
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