NHPTV Part of iParticipateNH Volunteer Project

For Immediate ReleaseOctober 7, 2009 Contact: Deborah Sprague, (603) 621-1011 / (603)264-8882 (cell)Leading Non-Profit Organizations Create ParticipateNH to Promote Volunteerism and Address Local NeedsManchester – AARP NH’s Create the Good is leading an effort with VolunteerNH, The United Ways of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Public Television, NH Center for Non-Profits, UNH Cooperative Extension, United Way of the Greater Seacoast, Concord TV, Youth Venture New England and AleuroMedia, LLC in joining iParticipate, a national movement that promotes community service and addresses local needs. Through the group’s iParticipateNH project, they will promote and celebrate volunteerism. iParticipateNH is a revolutionary statewide project that will highlight volunteer opportunities, specific needs in the community and resources to get started so residents can make a difference in their communities today. “Working together and taking a statewide approach, we are confident we will better serve our communities, address local needs and provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to engage our citizens,” said Julia Hadlock of the United Ways of New Hampshire. iParticipateNH will kick off the week of October 19th when more than 60 network TV shows will spotlight the power and personal benefits of service with the Entertainment Industry Foundation’s national iParticipate movement. The goal is to harness the collective power of the industry to raise awareness and funds for critical health, education and social issues in order to make a positive impact in our community and throughout the nation. “iParticipateNH is another way that NHPTV can encourage community engagement activities,” noted Grace Lessner of New Hampshire Public Television.Governor John Lynch will recognize the week of October 19th as iParticipateNH Week, challenging all Granite Staters to volunteer and give back in their communities. During the week, partner organizations are celebrating in community service events, challenges and volunteer recognition ceremonies. “We challenge everyone to volunteer and share their stories, pictures and video using Facebook and Twitter. This is only the beginning. This new partnership is exciting and we can’t wait to see the benefits of coming together to embrace and promote volunteerism using social media that will reach so many more people,” said Tara Mahady of AleuroMedia, LLC.New Hampshire has a growing number of charitable non-profit organizations and so many of those depend on volunteers to provide services to the community. “During these tough economic times, we need volunteers more than ever and feel everyone has something to give,” noted AARP State President Ally McNair. New Hampshire has a long history of community service. Through websites such as VolunteerNH, which has over 1,000 volunteer opportunities posted, and with programs offered by the UNH Cooperative Extension and its 5,000 volunteers who work in a variety of program areas (such as Master Gardeners, Tree Stewards, Marine Docents and Covert Cooperators), finding an opportunity isn’t difficult – filling the need is. Whether you have five minutes or five hours, Create the Good can help you find flexible and meaningful opportunities that suit your interests and schedule. • www.iparticipatenh.wordpress.com• Facebook: Become an iParticipateNH fan and you can join the community of volunteers. Share photos, videos, and stories.• Twitter - http://twitter.com/iParticipateNH Follow us on Twitter and tag your tweet volunteer stories and links with #volunteer and #nh - reference @iparticipatenh in your tweet to reach the NH volunteer community.

About New Hampshire PBS: New Hampshire PBS inspires one million Granite Staters each month with engaging and trusted local and national programs and services on-air, online, via mobile, in classrooms and in communities. Beyond its award-winning television programs, New Hampshire PBS is a leader in education and community engagement. www.nhpbs.org

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