New Program Helps Kids Learn How to Deal with Bullying

Photos online www.flickr.com/photos/nhptv/sets/72157629984589774/(DURHAM, September 10, 2012) – Bullies beware! The TIGER team is on the scene to help elementary school kids learn how to deal with bullying in school, online and socially! TIGER TAKES ON BULLYING, a lively, music-filled 30-minute special, premieres September 14th at 6 p.m. on New Hampshire Public Television. (All airdates online at www.nhptv.org/schedules.) By using children's own words that depict their experiences with bullying and intolerance, the new NHPTV program aims to encourage children to resolve bullying behaviors, and also to guide those who witness bullying behavior and don’t know what to do. It shows how to move to more positive social interactions at school and in the community. Along with the program, the website www.nhptv.org/tiger offers the program for online viewing, and resources for teachers, students and families to explore more deeply problem solving skills to help avoid and overcome bullying. A free screening of TIGER TAKES ON BULLYING will be held for the cast and the public on Thursday, September 13 at 7 p.m. at the Flying Monkey Movie House & Performance Center in Plymouth; tickets are limited and available online at www.nhptv.org/tiger. TIGER TAKES ON BULLYING is a co-production of NHPTV and Plymouth State University’s TIGER (Theater Integrating Guidance, Education, and Responsibility) program. TIGER is a professional theatre company designed to help children, schools, parents, and communities deal proactively and positively with social issues and concerns facing children in schools today.Scenes for the show were filmed with the TIGER troupe of actors and local children at Plymouth Elementary School and Bakersville Elementary School in Manchester, as well as at the NHPTV Broadcast Center in Durham. “TIGER’s mission is to help kids cope with the horrors of bullying,” noted PSU’s TIGER Artistic Director Trish Lindberg, PhD. “While the TIGER troupe visits many schools, a television show allows us to expand our reach to a much larger audience,” said Lindberg. "NHPTV is delighted to partner with Plymouth State University on this exciting and important project," said Dawn DeAngelis, NHPTV Chief Content Officer. “This program makes one of toughest issues facing kids today approachable and entertaining. It’s sure to act as a catalyst for change among young children everywhere. " www.nhptv.org/tigerAir dates for TIGER TAKES ON BULLYING on NHPTV include:September 14 @ 6 p.m.September 15 @ 8:30 a.m.September 19 @ 11:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.September 30 @ 8:30 a.m. TIGER TAKES ON BULLYING is sponsored by: The Common Man Family of Restaurants, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Samuel P. Hunt Foundation, Norwin S. & Elizabeth N. Bean Foundation, Tom and Susan Stepp, and the Xilinx Corporation.

About New Hampshire PBS: New Hampshire PBS inspires one million Granite Staters each month with engaging and trusted local and national programs and services on-air, online, via mobile, in classrooms and in communities. Beyond its award-winning television programs, New Hampshire PBS is a leader in education and community engagement. www.nhpbs.org

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