Language Arts
Language Arts Frameworks
Suggested Informational and Literary Texts

  Informational Texts Literary Texts

Reference materials:
Read-alouds and guided/shared reading of children’s magazines, content trade books, informational charts, etc.

Practical texts:
lists, signs, labels, environmental print, pictorial charts and graphs, etc.

Nursery rhymes, poetry, fairytales, fantasy, realistic fiction, songs, chants, etc.

First Grade

Reference materials: 
Read-alouds and guided/shared reading of children’s magazines, content trade books, informational charts, etc.

Practical texts:
lists, labels,  environmental print,  pictorial charts and graphs, simple directions, invitations, calendar, simple maps/classroom maps, etc.

Poetry, fairytales, fantasy, realistic fiction, songs, chants, etc.

Second Grade

Reference materials:
Beginning dictionaries, glossaries, children’s magazines, content trade books, children’s newspapers, etc.

Practical texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, etc.
Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, tall tales, realistic fiction, etc.
Third Grade

Reference materials:
Dictionaries, glossaries, children’s magazines, content trade books, children’s newspapers, textbooks, etc.

Practical texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, tall tales, realistic fiction, etc.

Fourth Grade

Reference materials:
Dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias, children’s magazines, content trade books, student newspapers, textbooks, etc.

Practical texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales, historical fiction, etc.

Fifth Grade

Reference materials:
Dictionaries, glossaries, reports, encyclopedias, children’s magazines, content trade books, student newspapers, textbooks, biographies, Internet websites, etc.

Practical texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders,  recipes, menus, etc.
Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales, historical fiction, mysteries, etc.
Sixth Grade

Reference materials:
Dictionaries, thesauruses, reports, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, Internet websites, public documents and discourse, essays, articles, etc.

Practical/functional  texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, recipes, menus, advertisements, pamphlets, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales,
historical fiction, mysteries, science fiction, myths, legends, etc.

Seventh Grade

Reference materials:
Thesauruses, reports, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, Internet websites, public documents and discourse, essays, articles, technical manuals, etc.

Practical/functional  texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, recipes, menus, advertisements, pamphlets, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales, historical fiction, mysteries, science fiction, myths, legends, short stories, etc.
Eigth Grade

Reference materials:
Reports, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, Internet websites, public documents and discourse, essays, articles, technical manuals, etc.

Practical/functional  texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, book orders, recipes, menus, advertisements, pamphlets, schedules, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales, historical fiction, mysteries, science fiction, myths, legends, short stories, epics (poems, novels, dramas), etc.
High School

Reference materials:
Reports, magazines, newspapers, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, Internet websites, legal documents (i.e, Supreme Court case decisions, lease agreements), public documents (drivers’ manuals) and discourse, essays (including literary criticisms), articles, technical manuals, editorials/commentaries, primary source documents, periodicals, job-related materials, speeches, on-line reading, documentaries, etc.

Practical/functional texts:
Procedures/instructions, announcements, invitations, advertisements, pamphlets, schedules, memos, applications, catalogues, etc.

Poetry, plays, fairytales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, folktales, historical fiction, mysteries, science fiction, myths, legends, short stories, epics, novels, dramatic presentations, comedies, tragedies, satires, parodies, memoirs, epistles, etc.