Remarks as Prepared - February 17, 2022
Good morning – thank you Mr. Speaker, Mr. Senate President, honorable members of the House, the Senate, the Executive Council, and of course, Chief Justice MacDonald – and to our fellow citizens tuning in remotely today, WELCOME
This State of the State marks the first time we’ve come together—in person since COVID arrived 2 years ago.
Since then, we’ve tragically lost over 2,300 Granite Staters to this awful virus and our hearts go out to their families.
COVID has been extremely tough. But the state of New Hampshire is strong. It is resilient, and we are putting systems and policies in place that don’t just make us like everyone else, but truly separate us from the pack and capitalize on all our potential.
So, let’s jump right into an update on how the state is doing, the opportunities we have and where we can go.
Let’s start with some really good news:
Support for The State We're In is provided by New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Eversource and Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc.
The State We're In is produced in partnership with the Granite State News Collaborative and the students and staff of the Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication at Franklin Pierce Unversity in Rindge, NH.