Earth/Space Science Frameworks

ESS4– The growth of scientific knowledge in Earth Space Science has been advanced through the development of technology and is used (alone or in combination with other sciences) to identify, understand and solve local and global issues.

1. Design Technology



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS4:11:1.1 Describe ways in which technology has increased our understanding of the universe.

S:ESS4:11:1.2 Understand that technology is designed with a particular function in mind; and principles of Earth Space science are useful in creating technology for the Earth space sciences.

S:ESS4:12:1.1 Recognize the importance of technology as it relates to science, for purposes such as: access to space and other remote locations, sample collection and treatment, measurement, data collection, and storage, computation, and communication of information.

2. Tools



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS4:11:2.1 Describe the use and benefits of land-based light telescopes, radio telescopes, spectrophotometers, satellites, manned exploration, probes, and robots to the study of Earth Space Science.

S:ESS4:11:2.2 Explain how scientists study the Earth using computer-generated models and observations from both land-based sites and satellites; and describe the value of using these tools in unison.

Schools should include expectations and competencies from Advanced Science Courses and Science-related Career and Technical Education Courses

3. Local and Global Environmental Issues



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS4:11:3.1 Differentiate between and provide examples of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy; and explain the advantages and limitations of each.

S:ESS4:11:3.2 Describe the means for transforming a natural material, such as iron ore, into useful products during different historical periods, such as the Stone Age, Iron Age, Renaissance, the Industrial Period and the current Age of Information.

S:ESS4:11.3.3 Explain how the use of technologies at a local level, such as burning of fossil fuels for transportation or power generation, may contribute to global environmental problems.

S:ESS4:12:3.1 Explain the environmental effects of using both renewable and nonrenewable resources; and provide examples of how man is addressing these effects on the environment.

S:ESS4:12:3.2 Provide examples of how man’s use of Earth materials has changed over time; and use those examples to explain how the relationship between science and technology has gradually grown closer in the past century.

S:ESS4:12:3.3 Research and evaluate a current environmental issue within the State of New Hampshire, such as a dispute regarding the conversion of a natural environment to human use; and construct a defense that supports environmental protection.

4. Career Technical Education Connections


11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS4:11:4.1 Explain the kinds of applications of knowledge and skills necessary for jobs/careers specific to Earth or space sciences.

S:ESS4:12:4.1 Understand the various scientific fields that use scientific content and skills; and distinguish between professional and skilled science jobs/careers in Earth or space sciences.