Earth/Space Science Frameworks

ESS3– The origin and evolution of galaxies and the universe demonstrate fundamental principles of physical science across vast distances and time.

1. Size and Scale



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS3:11:1.1 Recognize electromagnetic waves can be used to locate objects in the universe, and track their movement.

S:ESS3:11:1.2 Define a light year.

Schools should include expectations and competencies from Advanced Science Courses and Science-related Career and Technical Education Courses

2. Stars and Galaxies



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS3:11:2.1 Identify and describe the characteristics common to most stars in the universe.

S:ESS3:11:2.2 Describe the ongoing processes involved in star formation, their life cycles and their destruction.

S:ESS3:11:2.3 Explain the relationships between or among the energy produced from nuclear reactions, the origin of elements, and the life cycles of stars.


Schools should include expectations and competencies from Advanced Science Courses and Science-related Career and Technical Education Courses

3. Universe



11-12 (Advanced)

S:ESS3:11:3.1 Explain that current scientific evidence supports the Big Bang Theory as a probable explanation of the origin of the universe, and describe the theory.

S:ESS3:11:3.2 Explain the evidence that suggests the universe is expanding.

S:ESS3:11:3.3 Provide scientific evidence that supports or refutes the “Big Bang” theory of how the universe was formed. [ESS3(9-11)NOS-6]

S:ESS3:11:3.4 Based on the nature of electromagnetic waves, explain the movement and location of objects in the universe or their composition (e.g., red shift, blue shift, line spectra). [ESS3(9-11)SAE-7]

S:ESS3:11:3.5 Explain how scientific theories about the structure of the universe have been advanced through the use of sophisticated technology (e.g., space probes and visual, radio and x-ray telescopes). [ESS3(9-11)NOS-5]

Schools should include expectations and competencies from Advanced Science Courses and Science-related Career and Technical Education Courses