Earth/Space Science Frameworks

ESS3– The origin and evolution of galaxies and the universe demonstrate fundamental principles of physical science across vast distances and time.

1. Size and Scale




None at this grade span.

S:ESS3:4:1.1 Recognize that astronomical objects in space are massive in size and are separated from one another by vast distances.

S:ESS3:4:1.2 Explain that telescopes magnify the size of distant objects and significantly increase the number of these objects that can be viewed from Earth.

2. Stars and Galaxies




S:ESS3:2:2.1 Recognize there are too many stars to count, and that they are unequal in their brightness.

S:ESS3:4:2.1 Recognize and describe the stars, like the Sun, as spherical in nature.

S:ESS3:4:2.2 Recognize that stars come in different colors, and that the Sun is a yellow star.

3. Universe




None at this grade span.

None at this grade span.