Science > Earth Science > Distance Learning

Games and Interactives


NH ResourceMount Washington Observatory
Travel to the summit of Mount Washington, home of the some of the world's most extreme weather! The observatory offers videoconferences on weather at Mount Washington, the fundamentals of climate, life and work at the summit, as well as custom programs. Initial programs are $195. Additional programs are $120.

NH ResourceSeacoast Science Center
The Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH offers distance learning programs that explore coastal ecology and marine life. They will also design a custom program. A one-hour session is $150.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Offers a series of science K-12 videoconferences including ones on dinosaurs, fossils, and rocks and minerals, Programs are 45 minutes and $125 with discounts available for multiple bookings.

Marine Education Center and Aquarium
This center is part of the University of Georgia and has a number of interactive K-12 videoconferences, including sessions on feeding, fish, sea turtles, marine mammals, right whales, marine invertebrates, and manatees. There is a $145 per hour fee for schools outside of Georgia.

Alaska SeaLife Center
You'll find interactive videoconferences for grades K-12 that explore animal adaptations, cephalopods, and food webs.

Indianapolis Zoo
The zoo hosts regularly scheduled videoconferences. Ocean topics include coral reefs, seals and sea lions, seahorses, penguins, and dolphins.

Illinois State Museum Geology Online
Illinois State Museum geologists and anthropologists are available to participate in videoconferences with classes.

Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal
Offers an Ice Age Geology videoconference for grades 4-8.

Ball State University Field Trips
Offers a series of scheduled science field trips