
Life Science

Zoology - Peramelidae (bandicoots and echymiperas)

There are 10 species in this family of marsupials. They are found in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. They are 11-32 inches in length. They have small, compact bodies; pointed heads; long, hairy tails; and strong front claws. They have short front paws and longer hind paws that allow them to hop. The second and third toes on their front paws are fused together. Their pouch opens from the back. They are mostly nocturnal and eat insects, plants, small rodents, and lizards.

Key: profileArticle Photos Photos Video Video Audio Audio
Vulnerable Vulnerable Endangered Endangered Critically Endangered Critically Endangered extinct in the wild Extinct in the Wild extinct Extinct
Status taken from ICUN Redlist
Peramelidae Genus  
button Echymipera (echymiperas)
button Microperoryctes (Papuan bandicoots)
button Rhynchomeles (Seram bandicoot)

button Isoodon (short-nosed bandicoots)
button Perameles (long-nosed bandicoots)
button Peroryctes (giant and Raffray's bandicoots)
Peramelidae Resources  
button Lesson Plans
button Games/Interactives
button Video 


Family Peramelidae profile Photos
There are 10 species of bandicoots in this family. Their hind limbs are long and adapted for hopping or running.
: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Peramelidae profile Photos
The species in this family are 11-32 inches in length. They have small, compact bodies; pointed heads; long, hairy tails; and strong front claws.
: NHPTV Wildlife Journal Junior Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Elementary School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No

Bandicoot profile
Learn more about the bandicoot and print out a diagram.
: Enchanted Learning Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Elementary School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Echymipera (echymiperas)

Kalubu Echymipera profile
Kalubu Echymipera is found in forested areas of New Guinea.
: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Microperoryctes (Papuan bandicoots)

Rhynchomeles (Seram bandicoot)

Isoodon (short-nosed bandicoots)

Golden Bandicoot Vulnerable profile Photos Video
The golden bandicoot looks like a rat. It is found in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes

Perameles (long-nosed bandicoots)

Eastern Barred Bandicoot Endangered profile Photos Video
The eastern barred bandicoot has a long pointed nose, large pointed ears. It has soft gray fur with four white bars on its hindquarters.
: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes

Eastern Barred Bandicoot profile Photos
The eastern barred bandicoot rests in a grass-lined nest during the day. At night it feeds on beetles, crickets, worms and caterpillars. It also eats plant roots.
: Victoria's Department of Sustainability and Environment. Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Eastern Barred Bandicoot
profile Photos
The eastern barred bandicoot has three claws on its front feet that is uses for digging. Learn more.
Source: Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Eastern Barred Bandicoot profile Photos
The eastern barred bandicoot is found in grasslands and grassy woodlands in Australia and Tasmania.
: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Long-nosed Bandicoot profile
The long-nosed bandicoot is found in rainforests and woodlands of the east coast of Australia.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Western Barred Bandicoot Endangered profile Photos Video
The western barred bandicoot is found on Bernier and Dorre Islands in Shark Bay, Western Australia. It has a long pointed nose, large pointed ears, small front paws, and kangaroo-like rear legs.
: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes

Peroryctes (giant and Raffray's bandicoots)

Raffray's Bandicoot profile Photos
Raffrey's bandicoot is found in rainforests on the island of New Guinea.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes



Online Video

Arkive Video and Images
Golden Bandicoot
Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Western Barred Bandicoot

lesson plans