Science > Life Science > Zoology > Chordata >Mammalia > Monotremata > Ornithorhynchidae (platypus)

Life Science

Zoology- Ornithorhynchidae (platypus)

There is only one species in this family, the duck-billed platypus. The duck-billed platypus is found in eastern Australia. It is 19-22 inches in length and has thick, waterproofed brown fur. It has a flat, round and flexible black snout that looks like a duck's bill. It has a flat, rounded beaver-like tail and webbed feet. The male duck-billed platypus has a venomous spur on his ankle that he uses when he is threatened by predators or other male duck-billed platypuses. The make attacks with the spur and injects venom into his attacker. The venom is strong enough to kill small predators and cause pain to larger ones.

Key: profileArticle Photos Photos Video Video Audio Audio
Vulnerable Vulnerable Endangered Endangered Critically EndangeredCritically Endangered Extinct in the Wild extinct Extinct
Status taken from ICUN Redlist
Ornithorhynchidae Genus Ornithorhynchidae Resources
bulletOrnithorhynchus (duck-billed platypus)

bulletLesson Plans


Duck-billed Platypus profile Photos Video
The platypuses beak is soft and rubbery and has no teeth!
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Duck-billed Platypus profile Photos Video Audio
The platypus spends half its day resting in its burrow. Read more and listen to a rare platypus growl!
: Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Duck-billed Platypus profile Photos
The platypus is well-adapted to life in the water. Learn more here!
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

Duck-billed Platypus profile Photos
The platypus uses electricity to locate its prey! Learn more!
Source: NHPTV Wildlife Journal Junior
Audience: Students Reading Level: Elementary School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No

Duck-billed Platypus profile Photos
When the platypus swims its eyes, ears and nostrils are closed!
Source: Australian Wildlife Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Duck-billed Platypus profile
Today's platypus is smaller than the ones found in the fossil record! Learn more here.
Source: Australian Museum Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes

Duck-billed Platypus profile
Printout a diagram of a platypus for kids and learn more about this unique monotreme.
Source: Enchanted Learning Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Elementary School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

What's for Lunch
Can you figure out what a platypus would eat?
Source: Australian Wildlife Health Centre

River Life
Join Zoe the Platypus and see if you can identify life in an Australian river.
Source: Sydney Aquarium

Online Video

Probing Platypus Evolution
National Geographic researchers are trying to collect DNA samples from these odd duck-billed mammals to determine whether there are separate subspecies.
Source: National Geographic

Arkive Video and Images
Duck-billed Platypus

Lesson Plans

What is a Mammal - Grade 3-5
Students explore the characteristics of mammals. Source: Discovery Education

Paperbag Platypus - Grades K-3
Simple instructions for creating a paper bag platypus. Source: Sparkplugging
