Life Science

Zoology- Tarsipedidae (honey possum)

There is one species in this family. The honey possum is a small marsupial, 2-3 inches in length. It has a long, prehensile tail; brown fur; a long, pointed snout; and a long tongue. It uses its tongue to probe in flowers for nectar and pollen. The honey possum is nocturnal and sleeps during the day. The honey possum is found in southwestern Australia.

honey possum
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Vulnerable Vulnerable Endangered Endangered Critically Endangered Critically Endangered extinct inthe wild Extinct in the Wild extinct Extinct
Status taken from ICUN Redlist
Tarsipedidae Genus  
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Tarsipes (honey possum)

Honey Possum profile Photos
The honey possum is a mouse-sized marsupial found in southwestern Australia. It has a long, pointed snout, a long, prehensile tail, and a long tongue that is uses to feed on nectar.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes

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