New Hampshire Frameworks Correlations

Home Front 1939-1945
This site uses online activities, primary source documents, video clips, timelines, and worksheets to explore the impact of World War II on Great Britain.
Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Social Studies: History

  Curriculum Standard 16
Students will demonstrate the ability to employ historical analysis, interpretation, and comprehension to make reasoned judgments and to gain an understanding, perspective, and appreciation of history and its uses in contemporary situations.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade six students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding that people, artifacts, and documents represent links to the past and that they are sources of data from which historical accounts are constructed.

  • Examine historical documents, artifacts, and other materials and classify them as primary or secondary sources of historical data.

  • Understand the significance of the past to themselves and to society.

  • Display historical perspective by describing the past through the eyes and experiences of those who were there, as related through their memories, literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, maps, and artifacts.

  • Frame useful questions in order to obtain, examine, organize, evaluate, and interpret historical information.

  • Use basic research skills to investigate and prepare a report on a historical person or event.

  • Proficiency Standard
    By the end of grade ten students will be able to:
    • Analyze historical documents, artifacts, and other materials for credibility, relevance, and point of view.

    • Examine historical materials relating to a particular region, society, or theme; analyze change over time; and make logical inferences concerning cause and effect.

    • Use historical materials to trace the development of an idea or trend across space or over a prolonged period of time in order to identify and explain patterns of historical continuity and change.

    • Develop and implement research strategies in order to investigate a given historical topic.

    • Critically analyze historical materials in order to distinguish between the important and the inconsequential and differentiate among historical facts, opinions, and reasoned judgments.

    • Perceive past events and issues as they were experienced by the people at the time to avoid viewing, analyzing, and evaluating the past only in terms of the present (present-mindedness).

    • Utilize knowledge of the past and the processes of historical analysis to carry out historical research; make comparisons; develop and defend generalizations; draw and support conclusions; construct historical explanations, narratives, and accounts; solve problems; and make informed decisions.
      Curriculum Standard 17
    Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the chronology and significance of the unfolding story of America including the history of their community, New Hampshire, and the United States.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade twelve students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of major topics in the study of World War II and the Cold War (1939-1961) including the causes, conduct, course, and aftermath of World War II; effects of the war on the homefront; the emergence of the United States as a superpower; the origins of the Cold War; and postwar political developments at home and abroad.
  Curriculum Standard 18
Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the chronology and significant developments of world history including the study of ancient, medieval, and modern Europe (Western civilization) with particular emphasis on those developments that have shaped the experience of the entire globe over the last 500 years and those ideas, institutions, and cultural legacies that have directly influenced American thought, culture, and politics.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the causes and worldwide consequences of World War I, the Russian Revolutions, World War II, the Chinese Revolution, the Cold War, and post-World War II conflicts.