New Hampshire Frameworks Correlations

CIA FactBook
How many kilometers of paved road are there in Sweden? (162,707) What is the birth rate in Chile? (16.46 births/1,000) What is Madagascar's form of government? (republic) This site from the CIA provides a wealth of statistics about countries, territories, and principalities around the globe.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Elementary Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Social Studies: Geography

  Curriculum Standard 13
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human systems on Earth's surface including the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations; the nature and complexity of patterns of cultural diffusion; patterns and networks of economic interdependence; processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement; and the forces of cooperation and conflict that shape human geographic divisions.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Discuss the population characteristics of a country or region including such demographic factors as birth and death rates, population growth rate, doubling time, and life expectancy.
  Curriculum Standard 15
Students will demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of geographic concepts, skills, and technology to interpret the past and the present and to plan for the future.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Evaluate, using spatial and environmental perspectives, the potential short- and long-term impact of current issues and policies related to population changes and human development; food and agriculture; oceans and coasts; and changes in weather and climate.