Classroom Internet Library

New Hampshire Frameworks Correlations

Calendars Through the Ages
Did you know that February once had 23 days?That the Islamic Calendar is based on the moon? This site looks at calendars through history and looks at the origins of the seven day week.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No

Science: Broad Goals

  • Students will perceive that scientific knowledge is the result of the cumulative efforts of people, past and present, who have attempted to explain the world through an objective, peer-tested, rational approach to understanding natural phenomena and occurrences.

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science and technology on society.

Science: Science as Inquiry

  Curriculum Standard 1a
Students will demonstrate an increasing understanding of how the scientific enterprise operates.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast how technology has shaped our lives both in the past and the present.

  • Explain how scientific knowledge is applied in the design and manufacture of products or technological processes, e.g. water purification systems, sewage treatment systems, microwave ovens, resistors.

Science: Science, Technology, and Society

  Curriculum Standard 2a
Students will demonstrate an increasing ability to use measuring instruments to gather accurate and/or precise information.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Describe ways in which technology has improved measuring instruments and their accuracy.
  Curriculum Standard 2f
Students will demonstrate an increasing ability to understand that progress in science and technology is controlled by societal attitudes and beliefs.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade six students will be able to:

  • Cite examples which show how society can affect the direction taken by science and technology.
Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:
  • Illustrate, through example, that the knowledge produced through science and technology changes the way members of society think.

  • Demonstrate, by giving examples, the relationships between the maintenance and progress of society and scientific and technological advancement.

Science: Earth/Space Science

  Curriculum Standard 4a
Students will demonstrate an increasing ability to understand that the Earth is a unique member of our solar system, located in a galaxy, within the universe.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade six students will be able to:

  • Draw inferences from celestial and terrestrial observations relating frames of reference for time and Earth motion.

Social Studies: History

Curriculum Standard 16
Students will demonstrate the ability to employ historical analysis, interpretation, and comprehension to make reasoned judgments and to gain an understanding, perspective, and appreciation of history and its uses in contemporary situations.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade six students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding that people, artifacts, and documents represent links to the past and that they are sources of data from which historical accounts are constructed.

  • Display historical perspective by describing the past through the eyes and experiences of those who were there, as related through their memories, literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, maps, and artifacts.

Proficiency Standards
By the end of grade ten students will be able to:

  • Analyze historical documents, artifacts, and other materials for credibility, relevance, and point of view.

  • Examine historical materials relating to a particular region, society, or theme; analyze change over time; and make logical inferences concerning cause and effect.