Step Up to Dance 
You'll find interactive educational resources, videos, games, learning tools and a wealth of information designed to build your understanding of and appreciation for dance at this site from ArtsAlive.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Free to Dance
Learn about the role African American dances and choreographers have played in the development of modern dance as an American art form at this site from the PBS series Great Performances. The site includes historical and thematic essays, a dance timeline, and biographies.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No
Great Performances: Dance 
You'll find profiles of Great Performance dance episodes with lesson plans, video clips, multimedia presentations, screen savers, artist profiles, and more at this site from PBS. Featured artists include: Paul Taylor, Bob Fosse, Lar Lubovitch, and Rudolf Nureyev.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No
New York Times: Dance 
Get the latest dance news and features from the New York Times. You'll find stories, video, and slide shows.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Performing Arts Encyclopedia
Explore music, theater, and dance at the Library of Congress.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Dance Teacher Now
Online version of the magazine. Includes articles, resources and ideas for the studio teacher and the K-12 teacher.
Intended Audience: Teacher Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes
American Ballet Theatre Library 
Don't know your dessous from your dessus? This site features a ballet dictionary with definitions and video clip demonstrations of ballet moves. You will also find a Repertory Archive with a comprehensive list of the Company's repertoire.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Dance Magazine
Online magazine with news, articles and reviews. You'll also find a gallery of covers from 1920-2004, a searchable performance calendar, a college guide, and a dance directory.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Dancer Online
Online magazine with news, articles and reviews. You will need to subscribe, but it is free.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Pointe Magazine
News, events and articles with a focus on ballet.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Voice of Dance 
Directory of dance resources, including articles, reviews from newspapers across the U.S., interviews, videos, message boards, audition listings, news, and more.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Collection of over 3,500 links to classical ballet and modern dance resources on the Internet.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Dance Art Museum of the Americas
Site for a planned Dance Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The site currently features a photo exhibit of choreographers by photographer Rose Eichenbaum and a kids' section with instructions for making hinge dolls of dancers.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No
Sapphire Swan Dance Directory
Directory covering ballet, ballroom, Cajun, contra, folk, Irish, jazz, Latin, modern, and square dancing.
Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: No
Virtual Dance Studio
Test your knowledge of dance composition by putting together beginning, middle and end sequences of dance movement to create your own composition.
A Dancer's Journal: Martha Graham
This interactive site introduces students to the life and work of Martha Graham. Students will learn about specific Graham dances through the journals of Jordy Kandinsky, a (fictional) new member of the Martha Graham Dance Company. In Jordy's journals, students will find letters, newspaper articles, checklists, photographs, video clips, and music that illuminate various aspects of the dance Jordy is learning.
Online Video
Lesson Plans
Grades K-4Jazz Dance and Music
In this lesson, students will be introduced to jazz dance and jazz music. They will explore basic jazz dance movements, and will create a cinquain poem inspired by jazz music. Source: ArtsEdge Makeing a Dance Involving Balance
Students make a dance that includes several balancing positions.
Source: ArtsWorks
Ballet and Classical Music
Students are introduced to the conceptual and practical elements of classical ballet as they learn ballet history, vocabulary, and steps. Source: ArtsEdge
Telling a Story through Dance
This lesson uses The Nutcracker to introduce the concept of telling a story through dance and pantomime. Source: ArtsEdge
Grades 5-8
Contrasting Emotions
Groups collaborate to create a movement study based on two contrasting emotions.
Source: ArtWorks
Pantomime vs. Abstract Gesture
Students demonstrate the difference between pantomiming and abstracting a gesture.
Source: ArtWorks
Discovering Russian Folk Dance - Grades 5-8
Students learn the Russian folk dance "Troika" and research one aspect of Russian culture. Source: ArtEdge
Elements of Ballet - Grades 5-8
How many ways can a person move? Students will explore and discover the elements of dance by demonstrating various simple movements. Source: ArtsEdge
Moccasins Are Made for Dancing
Tomie DePaola's Native American legends lend themselves to the study of Native American dance movements. Source: ArtsEdge
Interpreting Mythology Through Dance - Grades 5-8
In this lesson, students learn about the mythological 12-hour journey of the sun god Re. Working individually and in groups, the students choreograph a movement that represents one of the hours in Re's journey. Source: ArtsEdge
The Language of Ballet
Students learn basic ballet vocabulary and associate it with the actual physical movement. Source: ArtsEdge
Grades 9-12
Baila! Latin Dance in the Spanish Classroom - Grades 9-12
Students demonstrate and learn about the Latin dances of salsa, mambo, merengue, rumba, cha cha, bachata, and samba through oral group presentations on the dance. Students will also research and report on information about the country from which the dance originated. Source: ArtsEdge
Nureyev: After Petipa
Nureyev’s early life and work were affected by changing social, political, and cultural forces in Russia. His artistic genius was influenced by the work of Marius Petipa. Source: ArtsEdge
Nureyev: Bringer of Light
This lesson focuses on the alignment of Nureyev’s artistic endeavors and achievements in the dance world of the West. Source: ArtsEdge
Nureyev: The Unconquerable Will
This lesson provides an overview of how creative expression developed in the West, particularly in the development of dance. Source: ArtsEdge
Improvisation and Choreography
Students use improvisation to generate movement for choreography.
Source: ArtWorks
Chance Art: Pollock, Cage and Cunningham
Students identify commonalities and differences between dance and other disciplines.
Source: ArtWorks
Interactive Gateway Curriculum
Students learn about 1960’s choreographers Yvonne Rainer, Steve Paxton, Deborah Hay, Trisha Brown, Merce Cunningham, Anna Halprin and their choreographic devices. Source: ArtWorks