British Library Images Online 
Browse through thousands of images from the British Library. You'll find images of manuscripts from authors like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, Shakespeare signature, and the Magna Carta as well as prints, illuminations, and drawings.
Source: British Library Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Art Daily 
Keep up with the latest art news at this daily online art newspaper. In addition to news you will find artist links, an art quiz, images, and art milestones.
Source: Art Daily Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Elementary Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
This art search site has indexed thousands of art sites. You can search for art works and artists or browse the site by medium, subject, or artist.
Source: Artcyclopedia Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
From abbozzo to zoomorphic, this site has definitions and visual examples of over 3,000 visual art terms.
Source: ArtLex Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Art Images for College Teaching 
You will find hundred of images of art from ancient art and architecture to 20th century art at this site designed to enhance art history courses at the college level. You will also find correlations to the major undergraduate art history survey textbooks.
Source: Art Historian Allan T. Kohl Intended Audience: Teachers Reading Level: N/A Teacher Section: No Searchable: No
Art Access 
This site uses objects from various areas of the Art Institute of Chicago’s permanent collection to enrich understanding of their content, style, and historical context and includes art activities, lesson plans and interactives.
Source: Art Institute of Chicago Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: No
Web Exhibits 
You can explore color and art, van Gogh's letters, and pigments through the ages at this site.
Source: IDEA Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes Searchable: Yes
Web Gallery of Art 
This virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods, currently contains over 11,600 reproductions along with commentaries on the art and biographies of the artists.
Source: Web Gallery of Art Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No Searchable: Yes
Art Games
This site from the Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo, NY has a collection of interactive art games for kids.
A. Pintura, Art Detective
Break out your magnifying glass and be an art detective in this interactive tour through art history.
Inside Art
Take this tour through art history where you get sucked into famous paintings, if you want to get out you have to have the right answers!
Art Safari
Explore animals in art at this site from the Museum of Modern Art.
Destination Modern Art
Take an interactive trip through the world of modern art at this site for kids from the Museum of Modern Art.
Curious Corner
You can pick the right faces for portraits, make an African mask, and more at this interactive site for kids from the Arts Institute of Chicago.
NGA Kids
Create portraits and landscape paintings in the style of American naive artists, use a virtual camera to snap photos, then edit the images or add special effects to create your own works of art, create an interactive still life that mirrors the paintings of the old masters and more at this interactive site for kids from the National Gallery of Art.
Getty Games
This site for kids from the Getty Museum lets you test your memory, play art detective, and solve art puzzles.
Portrait Detectives
Learn more about portrait painting at this site from the National Museums of Liverpool. You can take a guided tour or explore on your own.
ArtsEd Adventures
This site from the art supply company Sanford features a collection of online games for students.
This site has a number of online art games and investigations like an art match games, a maze using Mondrian's painting Boogie Woogie, and a game where you can capture Picasso as he zips through his own works.
Online Video
art:21 - Art in the 21st Century
This series explores contemporary visual arts and artists in the United States.
Craft in America
Craft in America explores the vitality, history and significance of the craft movement in the United States and its impact on our nation’s cultural heritage.
World of Art: Works in Progress
Each program in this art appreciation series is devoted to a contemporary artist who takes one or more works of art from start to finish. Art of the Western World
Magnificent masterpieces of the Western world are presented in their cultural and historical settings.
Arts and Literature Video
You'll find a large collection of arts and literature video from PBS here.
Professional Development The Art of Teaching the Arts
This professional development workshop for high school dance, music, theatre, and visual art teachers examines how principles of good teaching are carried out in teaching the arts.
The Arts in Every Classroom
This video workshop provides new ideas about working with the arts for K-5 classroom and arts specialist teachers.
The Arts in the Classroom: Video Library
The programs in this video library show classroom teachers and arts specialists using the arts in a variety of successful ways.
Connecting with the Arts
This workshop series shows middle school teachers why and how to integrate the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual art) with other subjects (language arts, social studies, science, and math).
Connecting with the Arts: Video Library
This video library features a variety of arts integration approaches taking place in middle school classrooms around the country.
Lesson Plans
Incredible Art Lessons
This site from the Incredible @rt Department features a collection of
art lesson plans and activities for grades K-12.
EDSITEment Art Lessons
You can locate art lesson plans by category and grade at this site from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
You'll find a large collection of arts lesson plans at this site from the Kennedy Center. Getty Center Lesson Plans
searchable site from the Getty Center features lesson plans covering visual arts, language arts, history, science and math.
National Gallery of Art Lesson Plans
You can locate lesson plans and resources by curriculum area, topic, or artist.
Modern Teachers
This site from the Museum of Modern art features a collection of lesson plans, images, and guides focused on modern art. Blick Art Lessons
This site from the art supply company Blick features a large collection of art lessons and projects for grades K-12.
A Lifetime of Color
This site from the art and school supply company Sanford features a large collection of art lessons, games, and projects for grades K-12.
Art education page with hundreds of online lessons designed especially for teachers, parents and kids. A new lesson is added weekly. You can also submit lessons.