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Connecticut Science Standards

CONTENT STANDARD 3: Living Things And Their Environments

Students will understand that all organisms in the biosphere are linked to each other and to their physical environments by the transfer and transformation of matter and energy.

   Grades K - 4

. describe how a variety of organisms, such as producers, consumers and decomposers, obtain their basic needs (e.g., food, water, air);

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics

. explain how organisms interact with other organisms in different environments (e.g., mutualism, parasitism, competition); and

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics
14. Niche
15. Invasive Species
16. Life at Risk

. explain that some source of energy is needed for all organisms to stay alive and grow.

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics
   Grades 5-8

. describe the roles of producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem and provide specific examples of each;

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics
14. Niche

. explain the need for sun-light and other abiotic factors, such as water and air, in an ecosystem;

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics
14. Niche

. explain that while matter is recycled in an ecosystem, there is a one-way flow of energy in ecosystems;

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
12. Population Dynamics

. explain that the number and variety of organisms and populations are dependent on the resources and physical factors of their environments; and

NatureWorks Episodes

12. Population Dynamics

. explain how both organisms and ecosystems can change if the physical conditions of an ecosystem change (e.g., a pond dries, a forest is destroyed by fire).

NatureWorks Episodes

5. Habitat
6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities
8. Terrestrial Communities
12. Population Dynamics
13. Species Diversity
15. Invasive Species
16. Life at Risk

CONTENT STANDARD 5: Relationships Of Structure And Function

Students will understand the classification and physiology of the great diversity of organisms and identify relationships of structure and function.

   Grades K - 4

. employ different ways of classifying organisms into groups, using a variety of common features (e.g., presence of feathers, pointy vs. smooth leaves, whether they make their own food or get it from other sources);

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration
5. Habitat
6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities
8. Terrestrial Communities
9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
13. Species Diversity
14. Niche
15. Invasive Species

:. identify anatomical and behavioral adaptations which allow organisms to survive in specific environments;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. explain that the features of living things (e.g., trunks, tails, webbed feet) can be good indicators of their roles and places in an ecosystem;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration
9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
13. Species Diversity
14. Niche

. recognize that living things often have specialized sensory organs that help them gather information about their environments; and

NatureWorks Episodes

3. Natural Communication

. recognize that living things contain systems (such as digestion and respiration) that enable
them to carry out basic life processes.

NatureWorks Episodes

9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
   Grades 5-8

. describe the major distinctions among the kingdoms of living things 
(e.g., prokaryotic/eukaryotic, nucleated/non-nucleated, heterotrophic/autotrophic);

NatureWorks Episodes

13. Species Diversity

. describe ways in which internal and external structures, organ systems and body plans contribute to organisms being able to carry out life functions or processes (e.g., reproduction,
response to stimuli, production and/or digestion of food, and production of energy, circulation,
excretion, homeostasis);

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. describe and analyze ways in which scientists determine the relatedness of organisms;

NatureWorks Episodes

13. Species Diversity

. explain the effects of disease on the inability of organisms to carry out essential life functions;

NatureWorks Episodes

12. Population Dynamics

. understand the complementary nature of structure and function; 

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration
9. The Wildlife Web I 
10. The Wildlife  Web II
11. Decomposers/Scavengers
14. Niche

. describe how different life functions (e.g., digestion, reproduction) are carried out by different organisms.


Students will recognize patterns and products of genetics and evolution.
   Grades K - 4

. understand that organisms that are alive on the Earth today are both similar to and different
from organisms that have disappeared;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation

. understand that, when living things reproduce, they transfer genetic information from one
generation to the next;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. recognize that individuals of the same species differ in their characteristics, and sometimes these differences give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. describe the life cycle of familiar organisms (e.g., frog, butterfly, cat, dandelion).

   Grades 5-8

understand that each organism carries a set of instructions (genes) for specifying the components and functions of the organism;
1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication

. explain that differences between parents and offspring can accumulate in successive generations so that descendants are very different from their ancestors;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. recognize that individual organisms with certain  traits are more likely than others to survive and have offspring;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
2. Coloration
3. Natural Communication
4. Migration

. understand that the extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the species is not able to adapt to the changes;

NatureWorks Episodes

1. Adaptation
16. Life at Risk

. understand that the basic idea of biological evolution is that the Earth's present-day species developed from earlier species;

. know that the many thousands of layers of sedimentary rock provide evidence for the history of the Earth and its changing life forms.


Students will understand the water cycle, including energy transfers, the distribution and characteristics of water, and its influences on human activity.

   Grades K - 4

. recognize that water can exist as a gas in the air and can reappear as a liquid, if  cooled, or as a solid, if  cooled below the freezing  point of water;

. recognize that three-fourths  of the Earth's surface is covered by  water;

NatureWorks Episodes

6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities

. identify major sources of  water (e.g., oceans, glaciers,  rivers, groundwater, atmosphere);

NatureWorks Episodes

6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities

. recognize the importance and uses of water (e.g., drinking, washing, irrigating); and

. recognize that water is essential to life.

NatureWorks Episodes

5. Habitat
6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities
   Grades 5-8

. recognize how the cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important role in determining climatic patterns and is responsible for constantly changing the phase and location of water;

. recognize that water falling to Earth flows over the surface as runoff and collects in ocean basins, rivers, lakes, icecaps and underground; and

NatureWorks Episodes

6. Marine Communities
7. Fresh Water Communities

. recognize that water stored underground (subsurface) and water stored above ground
(surface) form a continuum, each supplying water to the other.

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