Balaenicipitidae - Shoebill
There is only one bird in this family. The shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) is a wading bird found in the papyrus swamps of the White Nile River in east central Africa from Sudan to Zambia.
It has a large, hooked, shoe-shaped bill; long, strong legs; and gray feathers. It is 3½-4½ feet in length.
The shoebill probes in the mud with its bill to locate prey like frogs, small crocodiles, and fish. When it is in flight, it tucks its neck back like herons do. The shoebill is also known as the whale-headed stork.
The shoebill gets its name from its huge shoe-shaped bill.
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Not Enough Data
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist.
U.S. Status Key
Threatened in US Endangered in US Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife. Click on U.S. status icon to go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife species profile. |
New Hampshire Status Key
Threatened in NH Endangered in NH Breeds in NH (birds)
Status taken from NH Fish and Game
Location Key
Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America NH Click for More Info Click for Image
New Hampshire Species |
North/Central American Species |
None |
None |
Species Around the World |
Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex  |
Additional Information Resource Key
Profile Photos Video Audio
Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 
The shoebill feeds on fish, frogs, small mammals, and reptiles.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 
The shoebill is 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall..
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: N/A
Shoebill - Balaeniceps rex 
There are around 5,000-8,000 shoebills in the wild.
Source: BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section:No